Tuesday, October 2, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

I don't have very many projects that are actively on the go at the moment.  I did some cleaning up and I have some languishing projects, and I think I'm going to list them all at the end of the post, just so I have a current record of what's going on - hopefully a few of them can get finished in the next few months.  I have a habit, like many of us do, of starting new things before old things get done!

The only one I'm actively working on right now......I took my very last precious scraps of Hometown, and some of my last Reunion, and using this tutorial I made 20 circles.  I don't even know how big they are, I'm estimating about 3.5" - 4"??  Haven't measured!  I then arranged them on a piece of Kona Bone, leaving lots of negative space, machine stitched them down, and am now quilting it.  

I'm doing this mostly to have something a little bigger to practice my free motion quilting on.  I worked on the quilting a LOT today and am still not done, and it's not a large quilt.  I'm quilting around the circles and not through them at all with the FMQ which is proving to be more challenging than I thought!!  It is leaving the circles nice and puffy, which I was hoping for, but sheesh - avoiding the circles when you're cruising along free motioning, let's just say I've used my seam ripper more than once today.  :)


My good friend has asked me to make a quilt for her daughter's bed.  We're going to be doing Kate Conklin's Fussy Fairytales quilt, modifying it to make a twin size.  She ordered a full fat quarter bundle of 'Pretty Little Things' by Dena Fishbein for the main blocks, a whole array of really fun Kona fat quarters for the skinny frame borders, and Kona Snow for the background.  I can't wait to get started on this!!


Feel free to skim this next section, or ignore it entirely - it's more for me than anything else, a run down of what I've started and not finished!
  • Sparkle Punch cushion - decide on something for the backing and this will be done
  • Brrr! Christmas quilt - nine 9-patch blocks finished, really cute, but no progress in a few months!
  •  Granny Squares quilt - three jumbo granny squares finished using orange/grey/aqua charms
  • Proverbial "Sleep" Quilt - no progress since I finished piecing the letters
  •  Hexagons - 27" square piece finished - can't see myself making a whole quilt like this so would like to do something with it.  Chop them up, I don't know, turn them into something

That's enough, wouldn't you say??  What have you been up to?

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Debbie said...

Fun little quilt to work on your fmq! And what fun wips! Any one would be fun to continue working on!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I'm impressed with your fmq! And your other projects are really fun to look at--so colorful! Really loving the granny squares!

Cindy said...

I think all of your projects are lovely. Even the name tag is wonderful!

Sel said...

Love the sparkle-punch cushion! Stars are always awesome. :)

And I might copy you on the 'practising the FMQ' option. It's an excellent idea!

Kirsty said...

Your hexies look amazing!!! I really love the quilting on your Sparkle Punch cushion too!!

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Your FMQ is looking so great - what a fab idea!

Teje Karjalainen said...

I love all your projects! Beautiful colours and lovely photos! x Teje

Cas said...

wow, love the fwq...i must check out that tutorial, i'm so desperate to learn. gorgeous quilts you have in progress :) cheers

Pomegranate Quilts said...

Heather, hi! I ♥ your aesthetic! Every single project you are working on looks stunning. Keep up the great work!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Love the circles!! All looking great :) the hexies are fab too x

Studio V said...

Great blocks!

a maidenhair fern said...

what a great idea! a circle quilt with sweet water scraps. I love kona bone, it works so well with reunion and hometown. I can hardly wait to see your finished project.

Staci said...

I enjoyed seeing your circle quilt! I'm gong to start a circle quilt very soon, and your photo is quite inspiring. I like how you are quilting it!

Kate said...

I was wondering where a few of those projects went! ;) The FMQ looks awesome so far - and puffy circles, love!

marcella said...

Your circle quilt is looking great! Nice to have something to pretty to practice your quilting on. Love those giant granny squares and your hexagons are awesome. I saw a hexi quilt where the person chopped up her hexagons into squares and sashed them to make a bigger project - cute.

Katie B said...

I love your circle quilt! I'm sure it's really hard to work around those circles! I'm not very good at planning where I'm going and not working myself into a corner.

Cille said...

Great WIP projects. Im really impressed with your fmq.

ashley said...

Your quilting looks great!

Heidi Grohs said...

Hometown and Reunion scraps? mmmmmmm.....

The quilting looks really great in the negative space!

Jo said...

Love the sparkle punch cushion!!

Annabella said...

Ooh can't wait to see the quilting on the pebbles quilt and I really need to make a sparkle punch quilt but I know it will be loads of work! Lovely makes Heather.

Taryn V. said...

I love all your projects! They are all so bright and colorful. The quilting on the circle quilt and the Sparkle Punch cushion look so impressive! I have never managed to FMQ before, but I can imagine how difficult it must be to avoid those circles when you get in the 'zone!'

Poppyprint said...

Great idea for a FMQ practice quilt - it's looking fantastic! I think you should drop everything and finish your Proverbial quilt. hehe.

Jenelle said...

Your FMQ continues to inspire me. :) I like that shot of the quilt in progress. I am going to take your advice and make some larger sandwiches to sew on for this weekend (maybe some orphan blocks).

Megan @ MiaDolceOriginals said...

What a neat variety of projects! especially love the sparkle punch :)

Chez Roo said...

Your FMQ looks amazing! Love your sparkle punch bubble quilting too!

Nat at Made in Home said...

I am loving starting to see all of the Christmas project - so much inspiration!

CitricSugar said...

Okay! I'm finally caught up on Heather-ville. :-)

I love how your postage stamp quilt turned out and your free-motion skills are impressive! What a beautiful job you're doing! As for the hexagons, they might make a nice clothespin bag if you aren't planning to add to the hex total.... And next time I'm out west, I'm totally stealing your granny squares.

Congrats on the shop - I wish you many happy customers. :-)