Tuesday, October 23, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

So many W.I.P.'s, so little time, right??  Actually I shouldn't complain about time because I have spent a lot of time sewing this week.

First up, what I've spent the most time on this week is the beginnings of a Fussy Framed Quilt for my little friend Eva.  Her mom purchased a bundle of Pretty Little Things fabric, a few extra quirky prints, Kona Snow for the background and a variety of fun solids for the skinny frames.  We're making it a twin size, which means 30 blocks, and I have them done!!  They are so easy to make with really only a few seams each and a bit of a stack & slash method, plus the variety of fabrics has made each block fun to put together.  Some of my progress so far....

Also this week I finished my Kate Spain "Joy" plus quilt top.  Well, not totally finished because I'm still going to add more Kona Ash to the outside edges to increase the size, but at least the finicky piecing is done.  Hopefully I can get it finished sooner rather than later though so it can go in my etsy shop before the Christmas season gets in full swing. But for now, it's folded up and set aside.

Also this week I received the Kona Cloud I ordered for my proverbial "Sleep" quilt.  I have to say, I LOVE it.  It's the perfect soft blue, not too blue and maybe even a bit on the gray side when you see it in person, and I think it suits the word panel perfectly.  I look forward to getting back to this one.  I have some fun quilting in mind for it.

And finally this week, not specific project progress but... - Kona Ash, which I've used a lot, compared with the new Kona Iron.....

Iron is a really nice medium gray, I think lighter than the actual Kona Medium Gray.  But what I find so interesting though is how it makes the Ash hardly even look gray.  The Ash looks so much creamier and even more on the beige side, when placed next to Iron.  I purchased the Iron to finish off my Brrr! top, and I'm very pleased with this choice.  Another project I look forward to returning to!!

One final note - don't forget about Blogger's Quilt Festival, which begins this Friday, October 26.   All details can be found by clicking on the link.

Amy's Creative Side

That's it for me this week - I'm looking forward to checking out the rest of your progress this week.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Carla said...

That first quilt looks delicious! So cute!

FabricFascination said...

I really like the first quilt too. The Joy fabric is a collection that I've been working with lately for some Christmas stockings.

Kate said...

Good progress on both quilts! Can't wait to see how they finish up! :)

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

I adore the fussy framed blocks - one of my fave patterns! Yours are just stunning (all that color makes me so happy!) really can't wait to see the top together!

Katie B said...

I 'm loving the Fussy Fairytales quilt! Great fabrics. And thanks for the ash/iron combo. I love that iron!

Marian-Lady Face said...

Looove the blue of that cloud solid! Perfect, I need some. And the fussy quilt is gorgeous!

Debbie said...

oh I like the new quilt you are working on!!

Anne said...

The Fussy Fairytales is such a fun looking quilt! I love it!! The plus quilt looks like it's really beautiful as well, even though I don't normally go for Christmas themed fabric. :) You have a lot of beautiful work!

Cindy said...

The Fussy Framed quilt is absolutely adorable.

felicity said...

Great progress - fussy fairy tales looks adorable!

CitricSugar said...

Those fussy frames are so pretty! And so precisely pieced… It's going to be just darling!

Emily said...

I'm loving where your quilt is going! It looks a lot like my bee quilt this year, which I'm about to quilt! :) Happy sewing!!

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Loving the Fussy Framed quilt - so sweet!

The Joy quilt looks fantastic too - best of luck with selling it for the Christmas season! :)

Kirsty said...

I love your fussy quilt. The Pretty Little Things fabric is beautiful!!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Looks great, Heather! I love the pattern with framed pictures! x Teje

CityHouseStudio said...

The fussy framed quilt is absolutely beautiful - what a lovely quilt! I have never used Kona Iron - but it looks like a great shade, I'm happy to know about it now!

Gemma@prettybobbins said...

I love that fussy framed quilt! I was eyeing off that same Christmas fabric the other day but had to admit to myself that I am going to struggle to fit in much (any!) seasonal sewing this year... I hope you manage to get back to yours in time though, it looks lovely!

Heidi Grohs said...

Everything looks scrumptious! Think ash is definitely a unique gray myself!!!!!

Kristan said...

I cannot wait to see the Fussy Framed quilt. It looks so great so far. It's going to be so sweet!

And you're right, that Kona Ash almost doesn't look grey anymore next to the Medium Grey!

heather said...

The fussy frames are very cute!

Kelsey said...

Great projects! Love the Joy top!

ashley said...

All of those quilts look awesome! I especially love the first one!

Erica said...

I love that fussy frames quilt! It is interesting to see your comparison of the kona ash and iron. I love kona ash but I don't really care for medium gray or coal, so I am interested to try a new gray. Right now I love cotton couture in stone but I am always up to try something new!

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Great projects... the first one is keeping my attention! Something about it is so appealing.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

love the fussy frames....and the grays

LC said...

Love the Joy plus quilt! It's gorgeous. Wonderful work.

Live a Colorful Life said...

such wonderful projects. I have been wanting to make the Fussy Frames sometime. I love Kate's patterns.

Poppyprint said...

The Kona cloud will be perfect!!! I love your framed blocks, too.

Kirsten said...

Beautiful projects Heather- love your Joy plus quilt!.

Jenelle said...

I really like how you quilt is shaping up. :) It will be perfect for a little girl, especially with all the fun fussy cut images. Iron looks a great option to have in the greys. I'm glad that they added it to the palette this year.

mamaraby said...

Love the frames!