Block #2 is finished, and again, SO fun to make and turned out great. For those who asked about the fabric - it is Hometown by Sweetwater for Moda. The first block used "Flower Shop" in the colour mist (the gray) and "Barbershop" in the colour bicycle (the yellow dots). In this block, I used "Flower Shop" in the colour stop sign (red) and "Cross Town" in the colour sky (light blue). Thanks to everyone for all your wonderful comments on the first block. :)
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Linked up with {Sew} Modern Monday.
I love the Hometown fabric! I got some of the one with all the place names on it. Very pretty block :)
Gorgeous! Even better than the first! All your points match perfectly, something that I need to work on. What's your secret?
I love your block!! :)
Pretty fabric and great block! Love it! Well done. Yes as Stephanie asked what is your secret for good point matching? Something I too need to work on!
Another beautiful Swoon block - love it!
To answer the questions about good point matching - well first I'm flattered that you all think I have some secret! hehe I think I've just practiced quite a bit, particularly on this block I did 2 practice blocks before starting the real thing and figured out what worked for me and what didn't.
But on a practical level:
I try to be very careful with accurate cutting, I use a lot of pins especially at the seam intersections, and also something else I told Stephanie in an email is that when I'm making half square triangles I cut my squares (that get sewn together and become the HSTs) slightly larger than what the pattern calls for so that I have ample wiggle room to trim the HSTs to the exact size that's needed. I think that has helped me the most because my HSTs end up kind of wonky otherwise and then of course they won't fit in properly.
One other thing is that I press all of my seams open, and with NO steam. I think that has helped a lot too, to keep my pieces from getting distorted which in turn has, I think, helped my points to match up better!
Hope that helps!
Another fabulous block! I thought I was a follower before, but apparently not, so now I am! Can't wait to see more of these blocks!
Looking good :)
I like you to share this at my "Made by ME" linking party :)
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