Thursday, October 17, 2013

Really Random Thursday ~ 10/17/13

My poor neglected blog.  What better way to return than with a bit of random!  We had a really nice Canadian Thanksgiving with family this past weekend.....

On the ferry...

The fam
The trip home, overlooking beautiful Vancouver
Today is foggy, but this is what we had the other day.  Amazing.

And since we are a sewing blog.....

No progress on this, so you get an old pic!
October blocks for Joy circle of do.Good Stitches

That's the end of my random for now, and I'm hoping to get back in the groove and have some more to show soon.  I'm also in talks with my good friend about making a quilt for her oldest daughter so I'll probably have more to say about that soon too.


Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Beautiful photos! Welcome back :)

Susan said...

Love the Autumn leaves....

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Gorgeous pictures! Glad to see you back, I checked a couple of days ago and was starting to wonder so nice to see you again :)

Kelsey said...

It looks like you had beautiful weather over there for Thanksgiving weekend! I hope you enjoyed all the family time and fall leaves :)

Carla said...

I miss the ferry! Not so much the cost. Your family is gorgeous! Wait until they are all in tuxedos. Your heart will swell ; )

Amanda said...

That ferry picture is dreamy. Looks like a fabulous time. Thanks for sharing a picture of the leaves. I am missing them big time this year!

nicole said...

Fantastic pictures! And i love your Joy blocks, but you already knew that ;)

Debbie said...

Good to see your random snippets and love all the photos!

Live a Colorful Life said...

What beautiful pictures! Everyone needs to take a blogging break now and again. Thanks for linking up this week, Heather!

Sarah said...

Gorgeous weather you seem to be having there in Vancouver. I thought it rained all of autumn over there? My brother lived in Canada for a couple of years (Whistler). He couldn't handle the grey and rain through October/Nov so went to Mexico surfing for 6 weeks! Yes, the lifestyle of a young, unattached Australian.

Tina Marie said...

I have the same fabric that you used in your October blocks. What a great use of the fabric. I love it.