Happy New Year everyone! I have been away so am totally behind on things but I'm slowly catching up. We went on the trip of a lifetime over the holidays, and I've hummed and hawed about sharing photos out of respect for our host's wish for internet privacy, so I've chosen a selection of nondescript/random photos of our time away just to give you a little taste and will leave it at that!
Now, sewing!! I figured a good way to ease back into sewing would be to tackle my January bee blocks. We've been asked to make two simple 16-patch blocks using 2.5" squares in purples. Purple is one of those colours that I really do love, but have very little in the way of purple fabric or even scraps. I've managed to squeak out one block and have some squares for my second but not quite enough. I feel silly asking, but would one of you Canadians be willing to send me just 6 small purple scraps? Big enough to cut one 2.5" square from? I'd truly appreciate it! Let me know....
And other than that, my big project at the moment is the wonky stack & whack quilt I'm making for my friend's daughter. I have all 48 blocks finished and have half of the blocks sewn together, but I haven't touched it at all since before our holidays. Hopefully this week I'll get back at it.
Send me your address and I will hook you up with purple 2.5" squares and/or purple scraps. I'm in Victoria....
Looks like a lovely time away!
Love that fussy cut owl on your quilt - so sweet!
oh! How fun to be able to travel somewhere exciting!!
fun - its a game of 'guess that place'!! Looks like a wonderful time :-)
Well I know from IG that you were somewhere in this corner of the world - so happy you had such a wonderful time. Lovely blocks Heather.
the quilt will be beautiful - love the owl. And I love travelling too ;-)
Love love LOVE your stack and whack quilt! The fabrics you have chosen are stunning and work together so well! Where oh where did you get that amazing owl fabric?
Looks like a fabulous holiday :) I love a quilt with a bit of fussy cutting in it :)
Wow, looks like a great holiday! Did you buy any of those fabrics?
Great photos Heather! Looks like you had a ball!
Trip of a lifetime? I should say so! It looks AMAZING! What a great experience for the boys too.
I've been on vacation from the blog, I should really get back on it though, I have lots of quilts to share.
Beautiful holiday photos, and I love your stack and whack quilt. It was really interesting to see because I've got that design of quilt in mind for an upcoming project, I think yours might have just persuaded me it's the right choice. Thank you!
Ooooo lucky you! I can send you purple scraps too!
Looks like you had an absolutely fabulous trip Heather! That content can steal a piece of your heart when you're not looking and you'll keep wanting to go back :) If you still need purple squares let me know and I can toss some in the mail tomorrow.
That looks amazing!
Wow! You really were away. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Pretty lots of fabric
What a fantastic holiday! Looks like it was fun. And let me know if you're still in need of scraps, i can send some :)
Your holiday looks amazing! From the first photo I thought maybe India Taj Mahal, but now I'm not sure. Maybe Morocco or Turkey. It looks like a great holiday for you all and what an amazing experience you were able to give your young boys. Are you allowed to tell us privately where you went?
Wish I could see ALL of the pictures!!! I love traveling through someone else's photos. Glad you had such a wonderful adventure as a family.
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