Thursday, September 22, 2011

Summer Sampler Series blocks

I had been seeing the Summer Sampler Series quilts popping up all over blogs this summer. It appealed to me, but I wasn't ready to jump in at that moment, I think probably because I was trying (and struggling with!) to get Owen's quilt finished. Now that it is finished, and I have plans for a quilt for Graham and myself that involves quite a lot of points, and thus precision, I thought that I would try a few of the Summer Sampler Series blocks to get some practice with half square triangles and more complicated blocks that need to line up! I ended up really liking the variety and quickly made 9 blocks, 7 of them from the series and 2 that I came up with on my own. I wasn't sure what to do with them, but I stitched them together with some dark gray sashing strips, and decided that it would look awesome on my kitchen wall! I am now about 2/3 of the way through quilting it and will show more photos soon.

1 comment:

1 Maureen Cracknell Handmade said...

Your Summer Sampler looks wonderful! I love the colors!