Tuesday, February 14, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Hello again! It's W.I.P. Wednesday again, and I really feel like I have a lot of projects on hold right now, but a summary anyways....

Completed Projects:

My Modern Mini Challenge quilt is finished, but since the submission date isn't until March 5th, a teaser will have to suffice for now. ;-) I love how it turned out. Bright and cheerful and feels like spring to me. If you haven't considered joining yet, there's still time! Awesome prizes too....

Ongoing Projects:

~ Sewing machine cover - this isn't new progress, but it's the first photo I've shown. I'm going for an on-point 4 patch design with gray borders, and it's the gray fabric that has this project on hold. The fabric was leftovers from the Chrysalis quilt but I don't have enough!! Awaiting a delivery... The majority of the prints I used were from a charm pack that I received from Elizabeth.

~ Chrysalis quilt and Sparkle quilt - both awaiting batting, basting & quilting!

~ FMQ - I've been doing some more practicing, and it is coming SO much easier now. I bought some ugly cheap fabric yesterday and made another quilt sandwich and gave it another go, and honestly the back almost looks the same as the front. Believe me when I say, I was utterly shocked!! Now to decide which actual project to use free motion on - maybe the sewing machine cover, after some more practice. I've been watching lots of Leah Day's videos which have been so helpful and I highly recommend them.

~ Modern Quarters baby quilt - I'm trying to get in touch with my local hospital to see what kinds of needs they have for baby quilts. I know that our local guild, which I am not a part of, does donation quilts for the hospital so I'm sure there must be a way for an individual to contribute as well.

Upcoming Projects:

Nothing! Can you believe it? I think I'm feeling like I have enough on the go at the moment that needs to get finished. I'm not one who likes to have languishing projects, and right now I think I have enough to keep myself occupied for a little while. :)


Molly said...

Wow Heather, your FMQ is looking great, very impressed, love the gray you are using on your sewing machine cover too, very nice!

Shelly said...

All of your projects look great! And your free motion quilting is looking good.

Kerstin said...

I can honestly say that I love all of your projects! Very nice!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

That sewing machine cover is going to be fabulous! I love all your other projects as well :)

Celtic Thistle said...

Your sewing machine cover looks great.

Teresa F. said...

So many project in hand. How can you cope with them all. I love the way your machine cover is looking.

Kate said...

Everything's looking very nice! I love the grey in your sewing machine cover.

Sue Daurio said...

Wow you have some great projects going on. Love the qrey with the four patches. I am so in love with grey right now :) Your FMQ looks great. I think the sewing machine cover would be a great start. I started with a set of 12 placemats. I was pretty good by the time I finished all 12 :)

Kristina said...

I love the chrysalis quilt! You're the second person to mention Leah's blog today, and it's so lucky for me because I've just been wondering where to find good FMQ advice on the web. Thank you!

twelfthzodiac said...

Ah, you have reminded me that I need to make myself a sewing machine cover..I keep forgetting that one!
Excited to see what your mini looks like!
I took a quilt to the closest major hospital (our local ones don't have a NICU). When I called ahead, the lady said, just bring it in, any size, they are all appreciated. When I actually dropped it off though, the nurses there seemed to have never witnessed this type of thing before. They were both so surprised & wonderful. I had one of them in tears by the time I left (they made me cry first! lol).
I wondered if maybe they are more used to just seeing a few quilts that have been dropped off by a quild or something & it was different to have an individual come in with one? Not sure. Going back again this year though :)

Heidi Staples said...

Dropping by through WIP Wednesday. Your pieces are gorgeous! I love the colors and the way you've put them together. Just beautiful!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

All gorgeous and I agree you've got enough to contend with! Yeah for the great fmq :)

Mary said...

Oooo! The Modern Mini Teaser is fabulous! Can't wait until Mar. 5! Everything looks great!

Toni said...

So many great projects, Heather! Can;t wait to see more of your sewing machine cover. It looks very cool so far! Does your hospital have a NICU? Seems that would be a great size for a preemie blanket.

Kelly said...

Love the peaks of your modern mini and sewing machine cover!

Kelly @ Vintage Fabric Studio said...

once again I just love your style Heather! Have fun with your finishes!

Katie B said...

Woah, I love your sewing machine cover! That's going to look awesome.

Naomi said...

I love what you've got going on with your sewing machine cover! So many pretty fabrics to look at! :) Your FMQ is looking great too!

Debbie said...

wow - lots of lovelies here! I really like where your sewing machine cover is headed!!

code reduction said...

This all mini projects look so beautiful and wonderful.I really like this mini projects.It color crafting so fabulous.