Friday, March 16, 2012

Scrap Attack

Four hundred 2.5" squares later, and I have a totally colourful, totally awesome quilt top that has memories of most of my projects from the past year, and some scraps from new blog friends contained in it. This was meant to be a charity quilt, but I don't know if I'll be able to give it away, you know? I'll keep you posted!

P.S. Is it just me, or is it actually quite difficult to put together an accurately pieced top like this? You'd think sewing squares together would be easy peasy, but it really was quite a challenge to get it all to line up as best as I could, especially once the time came to join the rows!

Linking up with Finish it up Friday @ Crazy Mom Quilts


Unknown said...

You did a great looks fantastic. Really scappy

Kimberly said...

So very awesome! I find that pressing the seams open makes joining rows easier in a quilt like this. It looks amazing... I'd never blame you if you were to keep it!

Svetlana said...

Looks fantastic! What a riot of color and pattern, so stunning!!! I find joining rows of squares challenging, too. Especially because it's so important to do a lot of pinning and I don't really like pinning. Yours looks wonderful and nicely straight.

Katie B said...

This makes me happy. 450 squares? Really??

And, yes, I have trouble getting squares to line up. Maybe it's more obvious than other piecing.

Katie B said...

*400 squares. still!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Woah you have a bucket load of patience, lady! It looks fantastic! I'm not great with matching seams but starch and pressing open seems to help. Or you could use Elizabeth hartmann's technique (looks great, but sounds like a pain to do...) yours looks pretty perfect to me, though!

Alisa said...

I love it!

And yes, it is harder to do than it looks.

Toni said...

That looks like such a fun quilt to play your own grown-up version of I-spy!

Danny Heyen said...

I just had the EXACT same issue. A friend told me to piece it together in chunks. So, mine was made of 16 2 inch squares x 16 2 inch squares. So, instead of the rows, she told me to sew four 4x4 squares together, then piece those four pieces together. Things lined up much better. There was less room for stretch.

Debbie said...

wowsers!! That is ALOT of squares!! It looks great, Heather! (and i just might see a few familiar fabrics in there!)

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness! 400 squares! My hat is off to you! How long did it take to piece them together? It is not easy matching seams for so many pieces. I did a postage stamp quilt that was labeled for beginners and had that same issue. These kinds of quilts look easy, but they require extreme accuracy! Congrats on finishing the top! You've got a nice balance of lights and darks.

Krista Schneider said...

Wowzers, it's fantastic! Ats a lot of little squares. They look so good together tho!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

yikes, 400!! It looks awesome :)
Sometimes the little things are the hardest!

twelfthzodiac said...

Wow! That is a lot of tiny squares...keep it & don't even feel a shred of guilt about it!
(I just tried to spell guilt with a 'q' about 3 times & could not figure out how it kept coming out as quilt & what I was doing wrong! Oh my...I am tired!)
Do you have a binding picked out? Curious minds want to know! :)

Holly said...

What a great way to use your scraps and keep your memories of projects you've completed. I don't think I'd be able to give it away!

Teje Karjalainen said...

I love this can I don't think you should give it away because of the memories that all those patches brings to you! You can use other fabrics for the quilts to give away. I have wanted to make the same with small squares - perhaps you gave me the inspiration to start! I have made two quilts with 'simple' squares and it wasn't so easy to get all the squares to match exactly.
Have a lovely weekend! x Teje

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

It's stunning! You did such a great job. It would be really hard to part with that's for sure!

Kleep said...

That's beautiful, I love it and all the wonderful little scraps that you have hidden all over!

Heidi Grohs said...

It is so WOULD be hard to give away!
And I agree...simple squares give me the hardest time. You can't hide oopsies!

Chelsea said...

That looks so cool Heather!

felicity said...

Completely fun and fabulous. A tiny bit off on your seam allowance x that many rows/columns means it's really hard to keep everything in line. Your top looks terrific!

Rachel said...

I agree. This quilt is awesome.