Tuesday, May 29, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Another week has passed by, and I've actually had a lot of progress!  The backing fabric for the Reunion cushions arrived last week so I was finally able to assemble them.  The tops had already been pieced and quilted, so the final assembly went really fast.  As usual, I used this tutorial for a basic cushion cover.

Last week I mentioned for the love designs, in particular the Frankie pattern which I had started cutting for.  The quilt is only comprised of two different blocks, and chain piecing them together was a breeze.  The top isn't quite done, but all of the blocks are finished and probably half of them are sewn into sections.  Here's a peek of one of the sections, which incidentally is hanging sideways!  The fabric is Freebird by Momo for Moda, with Kona Ash as a background colour and a little Sweetwater Reunion thrown in (lower left).

Lastly this week is this sweet little hexagon flower.  This is for Chelsea, who is hosting this month in the bee I am participating in.  She already has a hexagon quilt in the works and has requested each bee member to reach into our own scraps and make her a few flowers to add to her top.  I made a whole ton of hexagons last summer on our road trip to Disneyland and haven't made any since, but I seemed to remember how and these came together in a few evenings.  I still have a few more flowers in the works for Chelsea.

I still have quilt tops waiting to be quilted, but I don't feel like re-hashing that every week!  So for now, I'll leave you with this photo showing my new sewing spot!  I used to be tucked in a corner of our living room, which was fine, but my ironing board is generally on the other side of the room and I was walking back and forth constantly so we rearranged things so that my machine could be in front of the window.  I love it!  So much more light, fresh air, ahhhhhh. :)


felicity said...

What a happy spot!

(I snagged the book too - yay!)

Katie said...

Awesome deal, thanks for the tip on the book!
As for your block hanging sideways, I thought they looked a bit like butterflies, but they were on their sides, then of course I read that it actually was sideways :-)

Jenelle said...

I also picked up the book. Thanks! Do you think it was maybe suppose to be $10? Your Freebird block looks great! I'm looking forward to seeing the entire top. I like Chelsea's hexi flower too. :)

Debbie said...

well you got a deal on the book - it was $19.95 when I looked...Thanks for posting the cushion link btw - appreciate that. I like your Frankie quilt - that looks fun!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Your sewing spot looks wonderful! Sweet hexies.

Jessica PierreAuguste said...

Your new sewing spot looks great! I walk across my apartment to reach my ironing board and my cutting mat. I am rearranging my studio to bring all of my work closer together and confine it to the studio, and your sewing space inspires me to get mine finished!

Susan said...

Love the new sewing spot! I also snapped up a copy of the first Zakka book! Bargain of the century!

Kelly said...

Gorgeous makes - I love the cushions!

Cille said...

The pillows are wonderful as well as your other projects. Great to have a new, light sewing spot :)

Toni said...

Your new sewing spot looks fun! And the beginning of the Frankie quilt looks great!

CityHouseStudio said...

Those pillows are just so pretty, Heather!
And I love the hexies! Too cute!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Love your new sewing spot and your hexies are so sweet!

Collette said...

love your hexies and your new sewing spot is fab!

The Thompsons said...

Love the window view for sewing - how nice, and those pillows are fabulous!

Melanie said...

Love your pillows/Cushions! Thanks for the link too!

Have fun in your sewing spot!

Jessica Kelly said...

great new sewing spot, love all the projects, those pillows are just fabulous!

Al said...

Love that lil' hexie flower. Makes me want to start my hexies again.

Krista Schneider said...

oooh, great sewing spot! and those cushions are divine. still need to try making cushion covers... my couch pillows are desperately in need of them!

Bethany (Make Me A Quilt) said...

I especially love those wonky squares on your pillow! One of my WIP's has that goin on. Really, really nice work! :)

Nita said...

What a nice sunny spot for you! Lucky duck!

Melinda said...

I have a window in my sewing room but I really need to move my sewing machine over there. Love your hexies! Makes me want to get back to mine!

Chez Roo said...

Love those sweet little hexies! It must be so lovely sewing in the sunlight :)

Taryn V. said...

Love how you organized your sewing room! I always have to walk across the room to my ironing board...its my exercise for the day lol. Your pillows are so fun! I love seeing the fabric in all the different patterns!

LuLu said...

I'm dying over your reunion pillows! They are so cute Heather! And I can't wait to see more of your Frankie quilt :-)

Sarah said...

Your sewing space is beautiful!! I'm a bit jealous, but then, it would probably be wasted on me since I usually do my sewing at night when it's dark - ha! By the way, mentioned your blog in a blog post I just put up - take a peek! http://www.sweetdreamsbysarah.com/2012/05/liebster-blog-post.html

Chelsea said...

Ooh, love my hexies! And your Frankie quilt is going to look fabulous.

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

I got a copy too! How great is the book? Loving the freebird! Your new sewing spot looks wonderful x