Tuesday, August 28, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

First off, I'm giving away two Kate Spain "Joy" Christmas panels and you are all welcome to enter {here}.  The winners will be drawn on September 3.  Now onto my works in progress....

I got over my panic of faded fabric from earlier this week, realizing it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, and now I have 9 jumbo disappearing 9-patch Brrr! blocks.  All of them are slightly different, but they each contain all of the prints.  I used this tutorial from Oh Fransson! to make the 9-patch blocks, but instead of making them wonky I made carefully measured cuts and it worked out great.  I'd highly recommend this method of making blocks like this (make sure you have a sharp rotary blade!), and once again I'm glad that someone else has figured out all the steps for me!

I made this bee block for Alisha.  It's the Mod Mosaic block, again from Oh Fransson!, and it was trickier than I thought it would be.  Improv doesn't come easy to me!!  I do like how it turned out though. 

I won this awesome Echo charm pack from Erica @ Kitchen Table Quilting!!  I'm thinking of some placemats, maybe the Crazy Placemats from "Quilting Modern".   

No progress:

* Sparkle Punch using Kate Spain's "Joy" fabric
* name tag for MQG meeting
* Granny Squares (it's been a while, but you can see them in this post)

Now, a question for all of you!  Pinterest....since it is no longer necessary to use a Facebook/Twitter account, of which I have neither, to sign-up, I decided to give it a try.  First off, the sign-up process seemed really strange to me in that I had to scroll through tons and tons of random photos and choose 5 that I "liked" before I could even complete sign-up.  Why do they care?  Then, once I did that, I right aways had 55 followers, all totally random people that I do not know and it freaked me out so I deactivated my account instantly.  Is this just how it works??  Does it creep anyone else out?  Looking for some wise words here!!

Alright, I'm out for now.  Have a great week everyone.


Anne said...

I'm glad you got over your fear of the faded fabric, the block look great!

Pinterest isn't really like facebook or twitter. Everything you pin is public and following doesn't really do very much if anything. It is weird that you had 55 people following you, admittedly!

Kristy QP said...

Love your blocks! The improv block looks fabulous!

That is so weird about Pinterest - I don't know how it works now. I signed up with my FB account then unlinked it straight away. Sounds like a weird way to do things now though!

Susan said...

Placemats from the Echo will be fabulous! Weird about 55 instant Pinterest followers!??

FabricFascination said...

Love the Mod Mosaic block. I had a similar experience with Pinterest with the instant followers. They picked them for me I think.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

nice projects....your placemats will look great with your win...congrats

Cascade Lily said...

I follow people on Pinterest if they pin things that I like. I don't know (or care) about them as a person other than they have a similar design aesthetic to mine :) It's not like you find out anything about the person - just their taste in 'stuff'. You can just ignore your followers on Pinterest (unlike Twitter and FB!!). Enjoy!

Nat at Made in Home said...

Congrats on winning the Echo pack, it looks beautiful! Re: Pinterest, I signed up with my facebook account I believe ages ago. I did not have 55 followers straight away though. But yes you will be followed or you will be following random people as well as people that you know. It is just about having similar inspiration taste. Some people do use it for projects on their blogs -as your followers may be interested in the pattern you did, the fabric you chose etc.

CityHouseStudio said...

I love your mod mosaic block - so cool!
Try not to worry about the weirdness of Pinterest, and just have fun with it.

Alison V. said...

I don't have my pinterest linked to either of my accounts (I got an account because some one invited me) and it is odd that you started off with a pile of followers like that. They do randomly assign some people for you to follow to start off with, but I just unfollowed them right away. :)

Tanyia said...

Pinterest is just trying to get you connected with other like minded pinners ... I do not think it is a big deal at all... I mean do you pin things you do not want anyone to see? lol Maybe that would make sense then.

I just wanted to say I stopped by from the WIP meme, I really love your Mod Mosaic block, I would love to try something like that. I am not sure I am quite there yet though hehe

Debbie said...

brrr is looking great!! And congrats on the Echo win - very fun!
RE: Pinterest - I agree with others, tho it's different than when I joined (the instant followers) I think they are trying to connect folks with similar interests bases on your 5 picks. I have oodles of followers I don't know & I follow oodles more....kind of how it works, but it seems ok - just sharing inspiration.

LuLu said...

I love your Brr blocks Heather. That's going to be a really fun quilt! And I think your improv block turned out great. No one would ever guess that it isn't your first choice in quilting :-)

Don't let Pinterest freak you out. They have to put something in your feed so they get you started with some like-minded followers. You can always get rid of them. But since you're not sharing anything personal about your life and there's no socializing happening between you and your followers it's really no big deal. Hopefully you'll come back because it's really fun :-)

Kate said...

I only have eight followers, so obviously not the same issue! But I don't find Pinterest to be very intuitive - it took me forever to find people I actually wanted to follow, and because I won't download the toolbar, pinning things isn't exactly easy.

Anyway, I like your disappearing nine patch! And I'm with you - straight cuts, not wonky! ;)

Abby said...

Pinterest is so fun and great tool. Sign back in. You'll love it!

M-R Charbonneau said...

Great blocks, Heather. I've been meaning to give that disappearing 9 patch block a try. It looks like such fun. Don't worry about the followers thing -- you'll end up following people you don't know and others will come along and follow your boards if they are interested.

Heather A said...

I love Pinterest. I find it an excellent way to keep visual files for various purposes. For example, when I'm planning to make a quilt for a particular person, I start a board for them and I add fabric images and quilt inspiration to that board. Very useful. I keep a file of recipes I actually want to make and refer to it whenever I have time or inclination to try something new.

When I started pinning about a year ago, I was able to register without linking to Facebook or Twitter and I didn't start out with any followers. Having followers on Pinterest isn't like having stalkers. They're just people with shared interests. Except for some people I follow and who follow me that I actually know in real life, most people I don't know at all. It's not at all creepy.

I find it to be the most useful design tool on the internet aside from "search" and "email".

Mary Ann Tate said...

I love your blocks:)

I didn't link to Facebook or Twitter when I joined. I do remember picking pictures and every so often I get an email with pins I might be interested in and I think they used my choices to randomly pick those. I think I had about 45 followers when I first joined. I just use Pinterest to bookmark things I want to find again and never bother about following anyone and I really don't care if anyone follows me.

Katie B said...

Huh. I didn't have that experience when I joined pinterest. But I think it's worth it--it really makes it easy to keep track of tutorials, recipes, etc.

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Heather! First I didn't want to start with pinterest (more time again at the computer) but I like it. I don't follow many, only if I see for example that some pins amazing quilts, I follow just that quilt board and not all her boards (I don't want much more e-mails every time when someone pins something). First I thought I pin only quilt and relative things, but now I have many boards. Sometimes I see something else so nice or funny that I need to save it! You can find lots of ideas for any subject you need.
Have fun! x Teje

elle said...

I like how you use colours. I haven't time to add pinterest to my schedule.

Susan J Barker said...

I love both the blocks you created, and you are right, improv is difficult, mainly cause it comes out of your head, instead of someone elses! Keep working at it and you will surprise yourself at how easy it becomes...

Kimberly said...

Hi Heather, I'm not a pinterested person, but I was curious and googled my blog name on pinterest to see what came up. Surprising how many people have pinned me! And it didn't even hurt at all!

Regina said...

Love those blocks, and am not surprised that the second one was more involved. I think it was worth it!