Saturday, September 15, 2012

Can I show off a little? FMQ progress...

free motion quilting echo shortcut

I took a deep breath and gave it a whirl this afternoon when the rest of my family was out, and guess what?  I could actually do it!!  This is the Echo Shortcut pattern from Leah Day's site (a treasure trove of FMQ designs).  It wasn't too difficult, considering that you sort of take a little pause after each arc, so I actually found it quite manageable.  I filled a 10" x 8" section which took me what felt like forever, but I feel such a sense of accomplishment.  

I will say though, the arcs are pretty close together, I'd say 1/4" each or less, and it creates a very dense finished feel to the fabric.  This would not make a very drapey or soft quilt, but the same design done on a larger scale would be perfect.

And I have to ask, does it look like bunches of bananas to anyone else???  ;)


Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Heather it looks seriously awesome! You should totally be proud :oD
I quilted my little girl's quilt using that motif, with big spacing - and it's a really soft texture.

giddy99 said...

It's lovely, and it didn't look like bunches of bananas until you put the idea out there (just sayin'). :)

Alisa said...

It looks fabulous!

Katie B said...

Woah, that looks awesome!!!! And I can see the bananas, but only because you mentioned it!

Susan said...

I don't see bananas ! I see rainbows! They are beautiful!! I knew you could do it! Congratulations on a great job!

Megan said...

Heather! Your FMQ looks AWESOME!!! It's going to look great on a "real-life" quilt!

Debbie said...

totally did not see bananas - it looks awesome!! Good for you! ;-)

Kristan said...

Wow, that looks really great Heather!! Woot woot!

The Young Old Chook said...

This is amazing! I'm inspired to have a go at FMQ now.

The arcs reminded me of waves, not bananas :)

CityHouseStudio said...

It's gorgeous, Heather!
You must be thrilled. I see rainbows, too, not bananas!

Maria said...

You've done a beautiful job so far it's going to look amazing when finished. I wouldn't have said it looks like a bunch of bananas but now you mention it. LOLLLLL

M-R Charbonneau said...

Woo hoo! Way to go!

Kelli said...

Wow!!! Good for you, it looks great!!!!

Janice @ Better off Thread said...

I looks so great! I love the grey stitching on the yellow fabric.

Izzy said...

Fabulous FMQ Heather! You did an amazing job with it!

LimeRiot said...

So nice!! I really like the dense texture. Simply beautiful. FMQ still scares me. I need more practice.

Svetlana said...

wow, Heather, look at you. It looks wonderful!

Jenelle said...

This looks great! I am definitely going to follow along with Leah's site once I get started on FMQ (soon hopefully!).