Tuesday, September 25, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

I feel like I don't have much to show this week because most of my energies have been going toward getting my Etsy store OPEN!!  Yes people, I just clicked "open shop" about two minutes ago and I am full of nerves and excitement.  I would love to have you come take a look, check it out, give me feedback, whatever!  I only have 3 listings at the moment but my mind is just churning with ideas.  I went with the shop name "Winding Bobbins", you can find it by clicking on the button below.  And if any of you feel so inclined to give me a little shout out or link on your blogs, I'd sure appreciate it!

Phew, okay, so that's out of the way, now what have I been working on?  This week, I finished a baby quilt out of a charm pack of Cuzco by Kate Spain.  You can read more details about the project here.  I couldn't be more pleased with how this project turned out.  Incidentally, this quilt is now listed in the shop.

I've also been practicing some more free motion quilting.  Here is my latest practice piece:

I cannot get over how fancy this looks, but honestly this was the easiest design I've tried so far.  It just seemed to flow so smoothly and I love the result.  I'll definitely be using this design on a project some day, hopefully soon!  This one is called Crybaby Meander. (YouTube link)

And finally for this week, I finally pulled out the Kate Spain "Joy" that I won a while back to get started on the Sparkle Punch quilt that I had decided on quite a while ago.  Well let me tell you, I made a few stars and realized that I can't do this.  Of course I have the capability to do it, but even the three stars felt tedious and I know I'll burn out long before a quilt top is finished.  So I'm going to do what Toni did and make a cushion cover out of what I've started, and probably a plus quilt out of the rest.

Well, that's all for now folks.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of you are up to this week.
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Jennifer said...

congratulations! good for you :) good luck with it all!

Debbie said...

Very exciting about your shop - congrats & good luck! And I love the name!! Too bad about the stars, but I totally understand, and they WILL make a very fine cushion!! ;-)

felicity said...

Gorgeous FMQ! Thanks for the link - I'm on a bit of a FMQ tear myself. Congrats on the shop, too!

Susan said...

Crybaby Meander! Grin Like A Cheshire Cat more like it! It's fantastic! And you know how much I love that Cuzco quilt! Good luck with the Etsy store! I better go and check it out!

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Good luck with the Etsy shop - very exciting!

Your Cuzco quilt is lovely. But I have to say - your FMQ is absolutely amazing! Looks just beautiful!

CJ said...

Congratulations on the Etsy shop!
Are you doing that Crybaby quilting on your standard sewing machine or a longarm? I can't remember if you have a longarm or not. It looks great!

tartankiwi said...

Good luck with the Etsy shop- exciting times!
Thanks for the link- I'm about ready for my next FMQ challenge!

FabricFascination said...

Congratulations on your new Etsy shop, let the adventure begin!

Love the quilting, especially the small fill in stitches among the larger designs.

Nicole said...

Congrats on the shop, Heather! You're FMQ looks fantastic! I know what you mean about the stars. The Joy collection is a beautiful one and I'm sure whatever you do with it will look wonderful.

Toni said...

Congratulations on the shop, Heather! And that FMQ is insane! So beautiful. Making a plus quilt with that fabric is genius! I may have to copy you on that one. I'm sure your pillow/cushion will be fabulous!

Kate said...

Congrats on the shop!! The Sparkle Punch looks lovely, but I agree - if I don't like making the blocks, I won't get far on the top! No shame in changing your mind.

Kristan said...

I've said it before, I love your FMQ! And congrats on the shop. Woo hoo! I still don't know what I'm doing with my Joy charm packs. I bought them originally for an HST chevron quilt, but I'm not feeling that anymore. I do actually like the idea of Sparkle Punch...

LuLu said...

Heather you are killing me with your FMQ skills! You are totally awesome! Congrats on your Etsy shop. You are sure to sell like mad! :-)

Katie B said...

Okay, lady, you can no longer claim to be a FMQ novice. That is gorgeous! Get quilting on something bigger already!

I'm off to check out your shop!

Unknown said...

I love the shop name! Good luck!!

Unknown said...

I really like your gray background! Keep going! I can't wait to see more of it....wink wink or it done.

Krysta said...

Congrats on your shop! YOur work is so lovely this week. I love all of it! I have to say, it is too bad you are giving up on the sparkle quilt, because it looks like it would be amazing! But I get it. Who wants to be miserable while putting it together? :)

Chelsea said...

I love the shop name! And that quilting is amazing.

Jenelle said...

Wow! That quilting looks perfect. :) Congrats of the Etsy store too! I really like your banner and icon.

Heidi Grohs said...

So exciting to open a shop. I will check it out! I also love the idea of doing a pillow. Sometimes that is just the road to take, isn't it!!!!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Congratulations! It looks fantastic and love the name and button :)

amy said...

the fmq looks great! i enjoy doing that pattern too, it looks wayyy more complex than it is but yes - looks very formal!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your Etsy shop! I'm going to check it out now.

Kirsten said...

Love the Cuzco quilt and your FMQ! So exciting about your etsy shop - off to check it out now.

ashley said...

Your quilting looks amazing! Good luck with your easy shop!