Tuesday, October 9, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

Since last Wednesday, I finished my Hometown Reunion baby quilt (which is now listed in my shop), and have managed to make progress on two of my previous works in progress that had been languishing for quite some time.

First up, I made progress on my Proverbial QAL baby quilt.  I had pieced the letters for the word "SLEEP" quite a while ago (I'd say even a couple months ago) and finally got around to adding the letter spacers and an upper and lower border to make my word 'panel'.

I've ordered one yard of Kona Cloud to finish up this top, my idea is to create a layout like this mock-up:

Then yesterday I pulled out the nine disappearing 9-patch blocks that I had made using the bundle of Brrr! that I won a looooong time ago.  I wasn't sure what to do with them - doing a simple 3x3 layout wouldn't make a very big quilt, so what I ended up doing was ripping out the final seams on 4 of the blocks (to create 8 half disappearing 9-patch blocks), then I added a half block to each of the remaining 5 blocks, then joined the newly formed blocks into one long panel, which measures approximately 23" x 77".  

Now as you can see, this makes for a very BUSY piece of patchwork - kind of shocked me actually, when I put it all together!  So my plan is to keep the final layout as simple as possible and am hoping to go for something like this quilt, using either white or light gray for the solid colour.

Finally this week, I decided to cut up a few scraps into 60 degree triangles to give that sort of piecing a try.  I have been seeing many awesome triangle quilts lately on Pinterest especially, but had never tried one.  This is the little sample I came up with, and I can't say I enjoyed it!  I like how it looks, but it requires a bit more care and precision than I'm willing to do right now I think.  It's out of my system for the time being!

So that is all that I've actively worked on this week, which doesn't seem like a whole lot, but it feels good to pull a few things off of the "inactive" pile and get going on them again.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

This may not be all that useful given that sixty degree triangles are out of your system now. However, one thing I have found helpful when piecing them is to sew the bias edges together first so that when all your rows are made, you are sewing cross-grain edges together. I think it keeps the rows more stable and will probably help with precision. Or, it might just be my deathly fear of bias edges...

Katie B said...

I have a feeling I'd have the same reaction to the triangles! It looks good though!

Kristan said...

I did some isosceles triangles recently, and they were a pain at first to get lined up right and also to match the seams. I'd like to give it another go though! That Sleep quilt is so cute, and I like your plan for the Brrr! quilt.

Suz J said...

What a great idea for the Brrr! quilt - something to add to my mental list.

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Great progress Heather! I especially like the Sleep quilt - and I think your layout mockup looks fab. I'm feeling the urge to pull out some WIPs too and get them done :o)

Carla said...

Lovely word block ; )

Debbie said...

I love your triangles too! I have a sneaking suspicion I wouldn't like piecing them either tho I DO love the look!! Interesting too about how busy brrr looks! I have some too, as you may remember...no idea what to do with it...

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

The Brr quilt looks so cute!

I'm impressed with all those triangles - that'd take a lot of patience!

Susan said...

I've been wanting to try these triangles...I will take your warning seriously, for now at least! The idea to finish the Brrr with solids sides is perfect! Can't wait to see how it finishes up!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Good for you! The triangles look great :)

Cindy said...

They all look wonderful!

Jessica Kelly said...

Love all your projects! The sleep quilt is great, and I love those triangles! I also have a gazillion triangle quilts pinned and havent tried one yet!

Krista Schneider said...

Awesome progress! Love the triangles, I've never tried them and didn't realize they were tricky! Yours turned out great, tho!

Rachel said...

Love your triangle experiment!

Heidi Grohs said...

OOH! Your triangles are really neat! The colors are unexpected..but very lovely! Perfect!!!

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