Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Is there something wrong with this picture???

Grrrrrr.  I realized it a split second after I did it.  Do you see my mistake??  Funny thing is, I was working on this last night and decided that I'd better stop for the day because I wasn't feeling like I was focusing very well and worried that I'd make a mistake.  So all refreshed, this morning back at it, and this.  Ugh!  There's no fixing it unfortunately.  Maybe this is a clue to me that I should vacuum the house this morning instead of sewing!

If you're interested, this was going to be a Zip Pocket Pouch, from Michelle Patterns.


Alisa said...

Oh no! I have almost done that a few times.

Aunt Marti said...

Oh rats, Heather -- I think everyone has cut off a zipper when shortening it at least once!

Kimberly said...


Kelli said...

Bummer. I hate when I do stuff like that! It was going to be really cute...does that help or make it worse?

Debbie said...

Darn! Love the pearl bracelet here though....

Katie B said...

Oh, shoot! I guess there is no fixing it. Sorry!

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

Oh dear :-( Bye bye mr zippy. I think zippers make everyone a little crazy - I managed to put one the wrong way round in a pouch recently and didn't even realise until I'd finished the whole thing, I hope you start again, because it does look like this was going to be an adorable little pouch.

M-R Charbonneau said...

Shoot! It took me a minute to figure it out. :( The fabric is fab though!

Kristan said...

Darn! I'm the same way, when I start thinking I need to take a break, I just need to do it, because I ultimately always make a pretty big mistake if I don't!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Funny that it was same to me yesterday - I used my ripper more than once but at the end finished the zipper pouch I was making. Your pouch looks beautiful and I hope to see it finished! x Teje

Svetlana said...

ouch, I hope the next one will turn out better. Some days are just bad.

Bea said...

Ugh! But you are lucky... Erin just posted a video and you can fix it!!! Yay!!

Jessica Kelly said...

Oh no! I have totally done that before, thats when I'm ready to throw what ever it is I'm working on against the wall!

Maria said...

Oh no!!!!!! you've chopped off the zipper pull. I must admit I haven't done that yet but there's always a first time for everything. LOLL

Maria Kievit said...

Just for your information, there are zipper pulls available to be able to fix this. It's tricky work, but can be done. Try buying a lenght of zipper with quite a few zipper heads on them, and transferring one of them onto your pouch! Good luck, and hopefully you'll finish this one day!

Poppyprint said...

Oh, crap. This is a super bummer.

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Oh no! It looks so lovely, too!

Cathy said...

Oh darn!!!

Kirsten said...

I think this is why I tend to keep away from doing zippers:)

LuLu said...

Oh no! Woops! I always make mistakes like this when I sew late at night.

Live a Colorful Life said...

Such a bummer. And the fabric is so super cute. Take a deep breath. Start over again...

Nat at Made in Home said...

Oh no, it looks amazing though!