Today I've been working on my "Sleep" baby quilt for the Proverbial QAL on flickr, finally getting the Kona Cloud pieced with the word panel and even got to basting and quilting today. YAY! For the Cloud sections I'm using a really cute linear swirl design that I found on pinterest. It has gone really well and adds a cute little amount of detail to all of the negative space. That's all good. My issue is the word panel itself. Some late evening photography for you, completely colour inaccurate, but you get the idea....
What would you do in the space around the letters (Kona Oyster, by the way) and on the letters themselves?? I'm at a bit of a loss. I'm not sure if I actually want to quilt on the colourful parts of the letters at all. And for the neutral sections I was thinking of some dense straight lines, maybe even free motioned, some horizontal (above the letters) and some vertical (to the left & right of the word) but I'm not sure.
Any advice?? I know there's some quilting gurus out there!!
Oh that's a tricky one! I'm going to be honest and say I have no idea...but I LOVE the swirly bits!
The swirls are awesome. Awesome!
For the background of the letters, I think you are absolutely right to go with straight and dense, something that's a total contrast to the soft circle-y bits. Also, the more you quilt the word background, the more the words themselves will stand out and puff up. ½" to 1" crosshatch? or that FMQ boxy random squareness?
IMHO I would stay with something more wavy..... But what would I know! The swirls are beautiful!
I like the idea of straight(ish) lines. What if you echo quilted (via FM so it's not perfect) 1/4" around each letter and then added your straight lines as you describe?
p.s. love the linked spirals. Might have to copy...
oh my goodness - you've really taken on this fmq! It looks awesome! Going two directions with the straightish lines somes tricky to me; I'd be more inclined to just to vertical. And I probably wouldn't quilt those colorful bits. Won't quilting all around them make them stand out more? Alternatively, I would consider pebbling around all the letters....just imho. It's looking fantastic and I totally trust your judgment!
I'm sure whatever you do will be fantastic, especially with all the great suggestions above. The spirals are so much fun!
Gorgeous swirls. I wish my FMQ was so successful. Did you have the quilt going front to back or side to side through the machine? For the rest I think you should go with the lines like you suggested. Whatever you do I'm sure will look great.
I would definitely do something that is contrasting like a dense linear or wavy effect. I would not quilt the color...let the "poof" a bit!
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