Tuesday, November 6, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

I've been feeling so productive lately, working through my W.I.P. pile!  In the last week I have two, count 'em TWO finished projects that had languished for quite some time.  So take heart, there is hope!

First up this week, I finished my "Sleep" baby quilt, as part of the Proverbial QAL, being hosted by Krista of Poppyprint.  More details about the finished quilt be can found here.

So that was one was great to cross off the list, but I wasn't finished people!  I already had backing and batting for the Kate Spain "Joy" plus quilt top I had finished a few weeks ago, so I got down to business and basted, quilted & bound it in about 3 days.  Yipee!  Another W.I.P. .... check!  (you only get a teaser photo today, I haven't had a chance to take proper photos yet).  By the way, I'm de-stashing some "Joy" fabric (you pay shipping), you can read more details here.

Alright, so what am I actually still working on??  The big one in the works is still the Fussy Fairytales quilt for my little friend Eva.  The top is finished, the batting is purchased, the binding is made, and what we're waiting on now is the fabric for the backing.  We're going to create a backing like this one, using some of the leftover fabrics for the print strip, and Kona Buttercup, Camellia & Petal for the solids.

The only other two W.I.P.'s I have right now are my jumbo granny squares and my Brrr! top.  The pile has shrunk dramatically and it feels good!  I don't have any new projects in the queue at the moment and I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, I can finish everything up before starting anything new.  Do you think I can do it???  Could you??  ;)

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Debbie said...

YES you can do it!! Congrats on two finishes - I can only imagine! And I can't wait to see more of the Fairytales! It's looking awesome!!

Cindy said...

I really like the quilting on the "Sleep" baby quilt. The overall look is just wonderful.

Kirsten said...

I love how you quilted your Xmas Plus quilt - it looks beautiful!

Susan said...

You are an inspiration Heather!! And not just at getting that WIP pile wilted done, but how beautifully they are completed!! If you can get these finished like this, I bet you can tackle the last two! Go on, I dare you!!

Chez Roo said...

Love your Sleep quilt, and your Fussy Fairytales - cant wait to see that one finished!

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Wow! You have been busy! Nice work!

I just love the quilting on the Sleep quilt. Every time I see it, just makes me want to try that design!

Kirsty said...

Wow, your fussy fairy tales quilt is looking fantastic!!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Yes you can! You are on a productive roll!! I adore the sleep quilt and the Fussy Fairytales looks amazing :)

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Awesome! I adore the texture of the sleep quilt now it's washed - so stealing that design some time! So much gorgeous :o)

Carla said...

Your little girlie will LOVE that quilt. It is gorgeous and congrats on the finishes : )

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

You've been very busy....love each one of your quilts.

Svetlana said...

Heather, wow!!!! such amazing projects. I so love the quilt on your design wall. Thanks for linking up to wip Wednesday

Kate said...

Great job working down the WIP list! Come over and do mine now. ;)

Live a Colorful Life said...

Heather, these are all just fabulous! And no WAY could I ever finish everything before starting something new!

Kristan said...

You're really chugging right along! Great job shortening your WiP list. :) I normally can't wait to start new things, but I'm trying to hold off on new things for the remainder of the year until I at least make a drastic dent in my list.

Jenelle said...

You have been on quite a roll! I totally think you can do it too. :) I should follow suit and start working on my quilt top pile!

**nicke... said...

you are doing great! i have to start something new right now!

Kleep said...

I love it all!! Look forward to the one hanging over the window, and LOVE the Sleep blanket. Did you do the quilting on that? It's perfect.

Cille said...

Wow ... talk about a productive week. Looks great. Not starting a new project until I finished another is my intention every single time. But I'm not able to live by it in real life ;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome projects - I love you 'Joy' quilt...it is so festive!

Keep up the good work.

Krista Stitched said...

the fussy fairytales, UGH love it so much! and no, I hardly ever finish anything, but you can totally do it!

Megan said...

That fussy fairytales quilt is looking good! Did you follow a specific pattern for that one or make it up? Woohoo for whittling down the WiP pile!! Such an inspiration!