Does anyone else struggle with backing fabric as much as I do?? I don't tend to do pieced backs. By that stage of a project I'm usually ready to get on with it and not spend too much time on the back, so I tend towards using a one-fabric quilt back. Part of my problem may be that at that point in a project, when you feel practically finished, buying 4yds of fabric just feels wrong!!
This is the quilt currently in question. Laurie Wisbrun's Brrr! line and Kona Iron will make up the top. I went out shopping for backing and batting today and came home with just batting. I didn't find anything that I even remotely considered for backing. I'm feeling like I should just buy some more Brrr! and be done with it but I usually at least look locally before I go the online route. Any great ideas for me????
Does your cutting mat ever look like this?
When I was buying batting today I asked the woman who was cutting for me if she could suggest how to clean a cutting mat. She proceeded to show me this cool little notion that they sell for $6, and I was sold! I don't know what it's made of except that it feels a bit waxy. She said that the one they use in the shop has been in use for a couple of years already. This is what it looks like:
And this is what my cutting mat looks like now:
$6 well spent, I think!! It's not like brand new, but so so much better than it was before.
And finally for today, my good bloggy friend Debbie is going to be hosting a sew along for her Triple Zip Pouch design. The sew along will be starting later this month, but you can already join the flickr group. I've been wanting to try the tutorial so I'm definitely going to be joining in.
And finally for today, my good bloggy friend Debbie is going to be hosting a sew along for her Triple Zip Pouch design. The sew along will be starting later this month, but you can already join the flickr group. I've been wanting to try the tutorial so I'm definitely going to be joining in.
I finished another family passport wallet yesterday, using a slightly different technique this time, and I'm super excited about how it turned out. Will be showing it later today, hopefully....
Have a great Thursday everyone.
What about a polka dot for the back? Either white with red or green dots or vice versa!
I try not to buy fabric for backs because it can get so pricey! But maybe you can find some good Christmas fabric on sale right now, even if it's not Brr.
That cutting mat fixer is pretty amazing! I could definitely use that.
I can relate to your angst about backing, especially as fabric here in Australia is even more expensive! (+$24 a metre!) No wonder I have so many unquilted tops! I like the idea of spots though!
I use to do pieced backs but recently made fleece backs instead. Using quilt fabric would be insane here as 1yard of fabric is around $25. So I used to buy plainer cotton and then mix in left overs from the front. The cotton backs looks better - granted - but it this house it seem it's always the fleece quilts that are being used. So thats what i make now :)
Great idea with the mat cleaner - must search for one to buy.
I'm with you on the backings! It's really difficult! Finding something which matches a quilt top you've spent hours on and doesn't break the bank is awkward. I'm with Kelsey on this one - you might be able to find a red polka dot for not too much which would go really well :)
I like the idea of clearance Christmas fabric. I usually buy coordinating fabric because I am color challenged.
How big is it? Sometimes if the quilt is under 60" one way, I'll buy minkee - it's a bit more expensive, but you only have to buy half the fabric!
that mat cleaner looks amazing! I'm having problems with the heat out here causing my mats to bubble and then literally break in half when I cut on them, i'm on my 2nd mat in 5 months, thankfully the store takes them back and replaces but still!! I like this cleaner, my mat is a mess, I use a pink eraser most times and it works well :)
OH, and I tend to use flannels, usually bought from Joanns on sale for backing.. $2.50 makes me feel loads better than buying yardage..
A lot of times I buy flannel, but I do have to piece it. But nothing too fussy, usually just a strip of scraps from the top sewn together and added into the middle. I've also used a sheet a few times for the back, and that works well. You can usually get a sheet pretty cheap. I have even used a knit sheet and that has been our most favorite quilt yet because it feels like wrapping up in a sweatshirt.
I'm definitely not a fan of piecing backs - my tactic is to keep an eye out for single colour prints on massive sale (like $4 a yard) and buy a few yards to have on hand for backs. I know lots of people use sheets for backs too. That cleaning tool looks fab! Wonder if we have them locally...
I'm almost always piece my backs from the scraps so I'm not much use but maybe try looking for less expensive flat sheets? There are bound to be good sales right now. Or Ikea does wide yardage now, don't they? I don't live close enough to one to check.
Have to get one of those cleaner doo-hickeys..
The mat cleaner is te bomb! Backs are a challenge! I typically piece backs. I keep an eye out for stuff on sale and buy whacks of it to have on hand.
I have a hard time with quilt backs too and I feel the same way about not wanting to piece a back when I am done with the top. I generally buy something before I start the quilt so that I don't even have to think about it when I'm done, or I just use a solid.
Yep, I hate the whole backing conundrum too. Ugh.
Thanks for the heads up on the pouch QAL. Too cute! :)
I generally buy extra wide backs. No piecing necessary. If I hit a sale bin, I buy about 4 meters, then I am good to go when I need a back.
I was going to suggest what Kelsey did - some polka dots! And if I don't piece a back (which I do routinely if I have stuff that will work) then I shop the sale area of the online shops....oh and thanks for the shout out for the Triple-Zip Along! So glad you are joining in!
I'm soon going to start a baby quilt using Brr fabric and I'm going to be mixing in some black and white prints with the Brr prints. I've seen that done on some other quilts using this fabric and I think it looks great. You might want to consider a black and white print fabric for the back.
I must get that cutting board cleaner! And I honestly hate pieced backings. I do it but I hate them. It's okay if the fabrics match/are the same but if they don't, not a fan.
that mat cleaner looks great. Years ago when I started quilting, I always miscalculated the fabric needed for the back, and ended up piecing the back with what I had. My husband says it is my "trademark." Whatever. I'm just bad at calculations. I would shop the online sales. Love the idea of dots.
interesting notion, must look for it, i usually just use a lint roller, and roll back and forth, then up and down..... but i'm going to look for your nifty idea.
chwk bc
Wow i'm going to have to get my hands on one of those mat cleaners! Great find
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