My blog friend Debbie has been hosting a Triple Zip Pouch sew-along on flickr (you can enter until Feb. 15/13, go here....great prizes involved!). Here's my version:
In general, the tutorial was great. Lots of detailed instructions and photos to help you along the way. I'm not one to be afraid of zippers so that part was a breeze. It was the final step that had me a bit stumped, but I made it work eventually. Marci has provided an alternate final step tutorial on her blog which I felt to be a lot more intuitive and I ended up doing it her way.
One issue that I had, and I've had with other zip pouches I've tried in the past with a similar zipper tab construction, is knowing how to sew the final side seams to achieve a neat tab in the finished product. Debbie's tutorial said to sew up the sides as far as you can go, and Marci's tutorial said to stitch up to the zipper, and with both instructions I wasn't sure if I was supposed to sew the entire length of the sides or if I was supposed to leave a section right at the zipper area un-sewed. So at first, I left an un-sewed area at the zipper on each side, turned the project right side out and pushed all the corner points out only to find that in those sections that I left un-sewed, raw edges would poke out if I pushed the corner out too much. Hmmmm. I figured it was "good enough", sewed the lining together and called it finished. But it was bugging me! So I undid it, turned it inside out again and sewed all the way up each side (carefully, because there's thick layers and seams to sew through), with the zipper tab folded in half towards the lining side (see this blog post for a more detailed description). This made me much happier!! My corners now look like this:
A few final notes:
- this project took me a couple of hours to make even after having all of the pieces cut and fleece fused, longer than some people, mostly because I always hand-baste zippers in place, rather than using pins. Hand-basting takes a little while, but in my opinion is SO worth it. No pins to deal with, and the layers stay together very nicely. I recommend it!
- I did not use a zipper foot. I had no issues using a regular foot. I had my needle position set to 1/4" for adding the zippers, and then used a centre needle position for top-stitching next to the zipper - the side of my presser foot was right next to the zipper teeth and I ended up with a really nice small top stitching line.
- I would make many more of these if I knew what to do with them! What do you use zip pouches for? I'm not a "bag person", maybe that's why I don't totally get it. :)
- the lining doesn't show in any the photos, because it's nothing exciting - just gray like the zippers. Kona Iron to be exact.
- unrelated to the project itself - I struggle with skipped stitches once in a while on my machine, which I've had service for and nothing seems to be wrong. I thought I got through this whole pouch with no skipped stitches, but I notice one now on the zipper tab in my third photo! Doh. Ah well, I will try not to let it bother me. :)
your pouch looks fab. i've been meaning to make one of these but can't see me doing it before the deadline for the zip along! Your corners do look great, I always sew all the way to the top and fold them the way you described, b ut they generally come out looking rubbish!
Oh, you asked what to use it for, I want one to keep in my handbag (I love bags!) to put my medication - tablets, creams, asthma inhaler - in so they don't get dirty or muddled up.
Thanks for the info, I plan to make another and will try your method to get the top zipper more to my liking.
The one I already made is in my purse holding all of the stuff that usually falls to the bottom or gets messed up- so one pocket has tissues, one has pens and one has cough drops and ibuprofen. I also have a store bought pouch I use or knitting notions- tape measure, stitch markers, darning needles, thread, measuring tape and postit notes.
Heather - it is lovely!! So neat and I love the fabrics you chose. Thanks also for the link to Sew Delicious and the 'secret' to neat ends - now I really think I am going to make one. How long did it take you - approximately - to make it?
Your pouch looks awesome, Heather! Great mix of fabrics, and all of your attention to detail is very apparent as it looks incredible!
Your pouch looks perfect! I love the fabrics you chose. One of the reasons I haven't made this pouch yet is because I haven't been able to decide on a fabric combo, so I love seeing what everyone else has chosen.
It's gorgeous, I love the fabric and colours you used. I've made two of these in the past and they are so useful. You could keep your sewing things in there like tape measure needles and thread and stitch ripper. Maybe hexies if you make them. Use as a money purse or for makeup. Anything really.
great color choices! I made one for boyfriend because it doesnt matter where we go his wallet, keys and sunglasses end up in my bag, then he decides to rummage through making a mess to try and find them -- so he's getting a pouch to put HIS things in.. it will still go in my large bag im sure but at least things will be centrally located... i hope :)
This is really lovely, Heather! I had the same issue with my zip ends so I'll be checking your link. Thanks! I think these make great gifts - giving my last three to girlfriends tonight, in fact. btw, I found the fabric glue tip worked really well for me for zip installation, just fyi. And I used my regular 1/4" foot throughout as well...bummer about the skipped stitches. That would bug me too.
Your pouch looks so professional! I love regular zipper pouches- I have one in my handbag for my lipstick, nail scissors and mirror and another in my sewing room for my sewing machine feet! I also use one for hand sewing projects! Just not sure I need one with three zips ( and one virtually useless pocket). So I'll keep admiring everyone else's.
Wow, awesome zipper end! I need to check out that tutorial!
Your pouch looks beautiful - such perfect corners. I used my walking foot to make my pouches and it was fine as my sewing machine sometimes does skip stitches too which is so annoying!
Good for you Heather! Looks perfect
I sometimes have skipped stitches on especially bulky areas as well. I know it sounds crazy, but I can sometimes avoid them if I sew quickly over those bulky areas!
Love the triple zip!
Great craftsmanship! Very cute.
Skipped stitches. I have the same issue, particularly with bulky stuff, but I have found that putting in a new needle helps. Denim needles work really fabulous on thicker layers (fleece, interfacing, linings, etc…)
I love your zip pouch! I haven't yet attempted one. I'm one of those 'afraid of zippers' people!
I also am in love with your Brrr quilt - it's fantastic!
I'm nominating you for a Liebster Award. Check out my blog for the deets:
Yours looks perfect! Great job, and I love how purple-y it is :)
Look at you go with all of your zippers! Wasn't there a time when zippers made you nervous?
Looks really nice and neat! I want to make one of these for a swap partner but I just realized I have a pile of 7" zippers and not 9" zippers. I don't know what I'd use it for either, not until I have one made in person to see how big it is and how roomy the pockets are. It might be useful for EPP to take with you? Not sure.
I love your fabric choices, they look great together! Thanks for the tips too, I'll definitely come back to this page when I try my own triple zip bag, thank you!
Thank you so much for the excellent tips. I plan on tackling this project ASAP, so they will be so helpful!!
Your pouch looks so pro!!! I was also very confused by the "sew as far as you can" instruction and the resulting raw edges of my zipper tab! Very confusing. I did sew all the way to the top, but my top zipper ends are not nearly as crisp as yours. Impressive! I solved my "what do I do with another pouch" dilemma by gifting mine to a friend who loves it.
Your pouch looks awesome. The corners are really nice and tidy. I like to use my triple zip pouch as a wallet with lots of room for credit cards, cash, and the tons of receipts I always seem to end up with. As far as your skipped stitches. Have you tried the schmetz microtex needles. I know they seem to solve some of my stitch issues, being sharper than the universal.It is said skipped stitches is usually a needle problem. Hope you solve it.
Very nice job, the push colors are great!!!
Your pouch is so cute, and your corners came out nice and tidy! I did the zip-along, too, but I'm not as patient as you to hand-baste things. I just machine baste the lining to the zipper, and then I can plop the exterior on top and sew it without pins. :)
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