Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break

Hey everyone - I'm still here, I just haven't been sewing at all.  We've been on spring break, and my husband has been away with a school group since March 15 (coming home tomorrow, YAY!), so it's been solo parent time plus a week away from home for me and the kids, which explains the no sewing!  BUT I did visit a sweet little quilt shop the other day, Hamels Fabric and Quilting, where I picked up these two teeny charm packs.  These are the "Moda Candy" packs, of 2.5" squares, and they were too cute to pass up.

We're on week 2 of Spring Break now so the sewing progress will continue to be minimal for a while.  Next up I hope to get back to the HST quilt, and I also would like to get started on a top using the scrappy granny square blocks which I have received from the bee I participated in this past year.  I don't think I've posted any photos of them so far, and I am still waiting on two blocks from bee members, but hopefully soon.


Samantha said...

They're so cute I'm not sure I'd be able to use them! I can't wait to see what you make x

Erica said...

Those are adorable! Also, I'm jealous that you get 2 weeks for spring break. My daughter's just started and it was so nice not to wake up to an alarm clock this morning :)

Susan said...

I have a Candy pack of Marmalade! I'm thinking of making a couple of placemats with mine, adding some linen into the mix. I look forward to seeing what you make with yours.

Debbie said...

Sounds like you're doing good though - and hubs will be home SOON!

Mike Pearson said...

They're so tiny! And look at their little fingers! :-P

Mike Pearson said...

They're so tiny! And look at their little fingers! :-P

felicity said...

Sometimes a break is nice - I'm enjoying an inadvertent blog break myself and we're getting all kinds of stuff done while G is at spring break day camp. :)

Kimberly said...

If only I knew you were out... I could have met you at Hamels! Love your quilt candy... I have the same two mini charms. Maybe we should make something "together"?

Toni said...

Those are cute! Glad to hear your husband is coming home soon. The solo parenting gig is draining! Can't wait to see what you decide to make!

Jenelle said...

I just picked up some Marmalade to work with sometime over the summer. Have fun with your minis!

Kate said...

Cute little mini charms! You get a two week spring break? Jealous!

Carla said...

Aren't they sweet! Hamels is a nice shop

Krista Schneider said...

love those little candy packs, i got a comma one at quiltcon and it was so fun to sew up! can't wait to see those granny squares :D

Kelsey said...

Oooo you picked up candy packs. I've definitely been tempted myself. I'm excited to see what you whip these into!