I feel like I'm finally back in the swing of things, sewing-wise, and it feels good. I spent quite a bit of time at the machine this past week and weekend, so here we go....
First up, my Super Tote (Noodlehead pattern, can be found here). The bag is actually finished but I'm not entirely happy with the photos I have so far so we'll still call it a work in progress. :) I'll be back hopefully in the next day or two with a full post showing my bag, as well as my thoughts and modifications of the pattern, but for now this is what I can show you...
And besides that, I finally decided what to do with my Joel Dewberry 'Notting Hill' fabric bundle and I've been cutting and sewing away. I decided on Octagonal Orb blocks with alternating rings of the pink and teal colourways. I'm undecided as far as the background colour, but with this tutorial I can work on the coloured segments while I mull over background ideas. This looks like a bit of a busy mess at the moment but I have confidence that it's going to be awesome!
And finally, remember the HST quilt top? It has been hanging finished on my livingroom wall for the past 2+ months and today I finally took it down and folded it up to get back to at a later date. I hope that doesn't mean that it will go into hibernation indefinitely, but for now I just can't see myself working on it soon so I might as well put it away for now.
I'm out for now.....have a good week everyone.
Wow, I love the look of your super tote bag - can't wait to see pictures and read your thoughts about the pattern. I am a total bag making novice but I have been seeing these pop up all over the place and I love the look of it. Would you recommend it as an easy pattern? Your octagonal orbs quilt is looking fab too - I love how bright that Joel Dewberry fabric is!
Excited to see what comes out of your Joel Dewberry! I have 2 jelly rolls myself, waiting to be put to good use.
I am very excited to see progress on your Joel Dewberry quilt, you really can't go wrong with that fabric! I am actually thinking about using the pink plaid for my Super Tote.
Still excited to see the tote, but OH MY GOSH your octagonal orb is going to be fabulous! That is one amazing block!
The octagonal orb is going to look so beautiful! The tote is lovely too - is the floral fabric Liberty?
The tote looks great! And I love that hst quilt!
Looking great Heather - cant wait to see your octagonal orbs grow!
That octagonal orb is going to be stunning! Will you go with a bold solid, or a more neutral one, do you think?
I am eager to see your super tote. I don't normally fall hard for bags, but this one has me wanting to make it every time I see one.
I love a busy mess! The orbs are going to be great, and I can't wait to see more of the tote!
I need to figure out what to do with my Notting Hill fabric too. I have a couple of different patterns I am looking at and want to just pick so I can start working on it!
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