Monday, September 9, 2013

Random Monday

A few little random things for today.  

~  First up, my progress on the crazy HST quilt that I dug up from the W.I.P. pile this week.  One commenter said that it made her eyes cross, in a good way, and I have to agree!  I'm hoping that the dense quilting in the neutral areas will help to draw the attention to what I had envisioned to begin with, but I'm still not sure about the unquilted areas.  I'm reserving judgment for when it is completely finished and washed.

~ Still related to the above quilt, I'm trying a bamboo batting for the first time.  It was cheaper than the usual cotton batting I like to buy and since I didn't want to invest too much in this quilt I decided to give the bamboo a try and I have to say, I really like it!  It has the same nice cling as cotton does, which is super useful when basting, but it doesn't seem quite as thin as the cotton batts usual do.  I'm curious to see how it washes up.  Does anyone else have experience with bamboo batting??

~  Amy Ellis from Amy's Creative Side, along with April Rosenthal of Prairie Grass Patterns, have started a quilting podcast called 'The Quiltcast'.  They have a couple of episodes up already and I really really like it!  They share what they're working on, tips and tricks and favourite tools, etc., and generally just have a really enjoyable banter between the two of them.  If you're into podcasts, give them a listen!

~  Thinking about what to sew next, I'm mulling over ideas for my Comma jelly roll.  I'm considering a version of Elizabeth Hartman's 'Roller Rink' quilt from her book, "Modern Patchwork", maybe with less blocks and more negative space....not sure.  I also saw this baby version that she made and am really liking the gray background fabrics and could see that working with the Comma fabric.  Hmmmmm. 

Have a good week everyone!


Krista Schneider said...

I scrolled down to see the quilt in full, it's awesome! can't wait to see how your quilting changes the look. I bought a thing of bamboo batting a while back but havent tried it out yet. quilty podcasts sound cool!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I've not heard great things about bamboo so it is good you like it. Nice idea for the comma!

Unknown said...

I really like the bamboo blend battings. I think they wash up really soft.

Kristan said...

Thanks for the heads up about the podcasts. Sounds cool. I had a FQ bundle of Comma and ended up just breaking it up to use here and there since so many of the prints are great for the stash. I like your idea to make the Roller Rink quilt with more negative space. That should look great!

Alli said...

I was mentioned, I was mentioned! :D

Ooh, bamboo batting was cheaper for you? Where? I've wanted to try it out, but it's not cheaper for me that I can tell. :}

Carla said...

I'm liking that roller rink baby quilt! Lovely quilting-again

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

I only use bamboo batting and I love it. I love the Eco friendly side of it, plus it is super soft :o)

Sarah said...

I love bamboo wadding! It surprisingly is less expensive than cotton and I find it so silky and beautiful to work with. It washes up beautifully and is so soft and cuddly and light to have over you, but loses none of the warmth of heavier quilts.