Thursday, November 7, 2013

Really Random Thursday

This may almost seem like a repeat of yesterday's post, but there has been progress on all fronts....

....geometric overall quilting going so much easier than I expected.  Why do I worry so much???  One bobbin down, and at this rate about 6 more bobbins to go!

And two broken herringbone bee blocks completely finished.  I really like how the skinny white sashing strips really helps random fabrics to actually work together fairly well, when at first I wasn't feeling too confident about the prints I had gathered together from my scraps.  By the way, if you haven't made this block before it is a GREAT tutorial.  Lots and lots of photos, which really helped me a lot. 

I'm feeling a bit run down with a cold today but looking forward to a long weekend, with parent/teacher conferences meaning no school tomorrow, plus Remembrance Day holiday on Monday and no school Tuesday.  I'm really looking forward to it!


Susan said...

See!!! I don't know why you doubt yourself. It's looking SO good! Enjoy your LONG weekend!

Alisa said...

The quilting is looking fabulous, Heather! Enjoy your long weekend - we had a 5 day on Thanksgiving weekend, it was great. My first grader has a primary holiday tomorrow but my oldest three are still in. She is so looking forward to it, and so am I. :-)

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

Yay - your quilting looks AWESOME! Cannot wait to see this one finished now - it is going to be great!

mle said...

Great work! The hardest part of anything is just getting started.

Kirsten said...

The FMQ looks incredible Heather - can't wait to see the whole quilt!

Debbie said...

your quilting looks fantastic!

CitricSugar said...

The quilting's coming along great!! And for some reason, that geometric pattern is really awesome if you have a big quilt and a narrow-throated machine... It's quite forgiving if you have to wrestle with the fabric a bit.

nicole said...

Perfect quilting for this quilt, i love it so much! Can't wait to see the whole quilt!
And your herringbone blocks are fantastic!

Nat at Made in Home said...

The quilting looks as great as what I expected it to look like - well done you!

Yvonne Campbell said...

The quilting really looks great!

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

the quilting is looking great! LOVE the bee blocks!!! Hope you are feeling better.

Sew Sisters Quilt Shop said...

Love the quilting!

Becca said...

The quilting on that is perfect!

Sharon said...

I like the geometric square quilting on the Comma quilt.

Mom said...

Love your quilting! It looks great!