Realizing just this morning that each blogger can link up two projects in the Blogger's Quilt Festival, I'm excited to share this second entry. My other entry, in the large quilt category, can be found here. Thanks again to Amy for hosting this event each year.
This quilt was a huge challenge for me being that it is improv based, which is something that definitely does not come naturally to me. It did come together though, and I'm more than happy with the result. This quilt now graces the wall of my kitchen and it just brightens everything up!
Quilt stats:
Finished size: 27" x 27"
Pattern: Improv blocks based on crazy piecing technique described in "Quilting Modern" by Katie Pedersen & Jacquie Gering
Pattern: Improv blocks based on crazy piecing technique described in "Quilting Modern" by Katie Pedersen & Jacquie Gering
Fabric: Colourful scraps from my overflowing bin! Michael Miller "Old Script" binding.
Quilting: Spiral quilting using WonderFil Tutti 50wt Egyptian cotton
Festival Category: ROYGBIV
Festival Category: ROYGBIV
Such a gorgeous quilt, Heather!
And the spiral quilting is the perfect choice, love it!
What a great color bomb - the colors spark happiness :)
It's beautiful, Heather! Yay for improv!
Really beautiful! Gorgeous improv and quilting!
What a lovely use of your scraps.
Improv doesn't come easy to me either--this is just gorgeous!
It certainly looks like improv comes naturally Heather! This is so fantastic, such a happy quilt!
Such a stunner, Heather! Love all those yummy colours, improve blocks, the spiral quilting and your fantastic choice for the binding. Lucky you don't live closer or I'd be tempted to slip away with this pretty quilt. ;o)
one of my absolute favourites :-)
Well, you know how *I* feel about improv... :-)
It's gorgeous - and such saturated colour!
This is one of my favorites! Love that rainbow with the spiral. SO fun!
so pretty and bright!
A gorgeous entry Heather!! I love the rainbow improv. and the quilting is beautiful.
Love, love, love this one! So much awesome in one little quilt!
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تتميز شركة نقل اثاث بالجبيل على توفيرها لأسطول كبير من أحدث سيارات النقل المجهزة بأعلى تقنية لإتمام مهمة نقل الأثاث، ومطبقة للتكنولوجيا الحديثة والمواصفات العالمية بأحجامها المختلفة لكي تتناسب مع شكل وحجم قطع الأثاث المنقول.
كما أن الشركة تهتم جيداً على أن تقوم بتبطين السيارات من الداخل لكي تحافظ على سلامة قطع الأثاث حتى لا يتعرض للكسر أو الخدش أثناء مهمة نقل الأثاث، عند النقل والسفر لمسافات طويلة.
من أهم ما يميز أسطول سيارات الشركة بأفضل مستوى أمان من أجل أن نضمن لعملائنا الكرام توصيل قطع الأثاث على أكمل وجه، كل هذا وأكثر تحصل عليه بالاتصال واحد بالشركة وأحصل على أعلى مستوى خدمة بأرخص الأسعار.
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