Tuesday, May 6, 2014

W.I.P. Wednesday ~ Farmer's Wife update

The farm is growing....

27 blocks finished and still enjoying myself immensely.  I've got a bit of a system now where I choose fabrics for four blocks at a time, then cut and sew.  Feels more manageable that way.  Some days I can actually sew four, and other days, like today, even though I had a lot of sewing time I only managed two blocks because they each had a lot of pieces.  New record today, block #27 (not pictured yet) had FIFTY-ONE pieces.  An accomplishment in itself.  ;)

Linking up with Lee @ Freshly Pieced


What Comes Next? said...

looking good!

Anonymous said...

Wow ... and here I was complaining because one of my blocks had 30 seams. I can't imagine 51 pieces! I don't know what's more impressive, you're awesome quilt or your positive attitude! I can tell you love what you do. :)

Jo said...

That's going to be quite some quilt! Love it!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Gosh..it's really looking good now! Linda

andrea@tidelinequilts said...

Oh my goodness, what a stunning quilt! Wow!

Joanna @ Riddle and {Whimsy} said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow, these are stunning in Denyse Schmidt fabric! :D

Susan said...

I am really loving this Heather! 51 pieces- that must have felt like a marathon! Good for you!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

51 pieces in one block! Lots of colour and variety in this quilt.

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

I cannot tell you how much I adore this Heather - I'm glad you're having fun, because I'm loving watching it grow. Really, really beautiful.

CityHouseStudio said...

You should be awarded a record for speed!
I can't believe how many you've put together in such a short time - wow!
These are just gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! this is awesome

audrey said...

These look incredible! Lovely work!

Debbie said...

wow! This is really something special Heather!

nicole said...

Your farm is looking so awesome Heather!! And now i think i need to start one :) Must resist!!!
I love how you're breaking it into smaller portions. I did the same with my gypsy wife. I'd pull fabrics and cut the night before while watching tv with the mr. Then stitch them up the next day. It may not have been faster, but it sure felt like it was! Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

51 pieces? Oh my goodness. These look great!

Svetlana said...

wow Heather!!! These look amazing!! 51 pieces though, that's crazy!

hydeeannsews said...

51 pieces sounds like it should be an entire quilt itself. ha! they are really looking lovely, heather.

Anonymous said...

Lovely fabrics and lovely blocks! Definitely a bold, modern look -- fabulous!

Tanyia said...

Wow, I really love your blod, vibrant look! This is awesome!

Stopping by from Lee's hop http://www.domesticdeficitdisorder.blogspot.com/2014/05/wip-wednesday-may-7th.html

CitricSugar said...

Wow - you're making hay! I thought this was going to be a "long-term, slow-down" project. At this rate, you'll be quilting it by Father's Day. ;)

Beautiful work. Great choices.

Kleep said...

I love it! And am loving having these lovelies pop up on my instagram feed :-)

Sharon said...

I loooove this in these fabrics! So vintagey and bright

DeborahGun said...

and it is looking totally amazing :-) You must be loving this!

Erica said...

Just keeps getting better and better!

Heidi Grohs said...

I think I've been overwhelmed to even start because of how to select fabrics from my various bundles. Looove the idea of working on a few blocks in a scheme at once! Brilliant!