Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Google Friend Connect confusion

I'll admit, I'm pretty confused about the upcoming changes to the Google Friend Connect system!! My understanding is that as of March 1st, people with non-blogger blogs will no longer be able to use GFC. Correct?

At first, I thought "oh, no big deal" because I personally do not subscribe to blogs through GFC. I go the old fashioned route, manually clicking the "subscribe" button in my Google Reader, then cutting and pasting whatever web address I want to subscribe to. This is what works for me, and I'm sticking with it! However, I failed to realize that there are people who subscribe to my blog through GFC who do not have blogger blogs, and if my current subscribers do not have a blogger blog, they will no longer be able to follow my blog without making a change to how they do so!

SO, is it up to me to provide an alternative for you my blog readers, or is it up to you if you want to remain updated on my blog posts? I've seen Blog Lovin' being used lately, but personally I don't want to start another thing - I like my Google Reader and want to stick with it the way I have been.

Could someone shed some light for me?


Debbie said...

oh please, I hope someone can shed some light on this.... I need to know too - in the dark about this!

Jennifer said...

I added a blog login link to my blog just to make it easier for people that need to make the switch to do so.. i use reader, though i may be switching over.. we'll see how the whole transition period goes once the changes are made..

Krista Schneider said...

i'm not even sure what you mean when you say "reader." I've gotten an app called "feedly" for my iphone, but i don't like it because i don't get how it works, lol. I'm a complete tech idiot. the way I keep track of my blogs I follow is by checking back over comments left on my blog, or through comments on other blogs. or by looking at link parties. this probably isn't the best way to go about it...

Heidi Grohs said...

RIGHT here with you! I have NO idea!

Tsoniki Crazy Bull said...

I don't think you have to have a blogger blog in order to have a google reader account. You just have to have a google account. So people can use google reader. I know that you can import into google reader as well because I use an RSS reader and I thought I would switch to reader, so I imported.