I really struggle with my local options, most of which are far too expensive in my opinion and/or don't carry the modern fabrics that I enjoy and/or have grouchy sales people. So unfortunately, since my budget needs to be remain relatively modest, online shopping is the best way to go for me.
I've decided that I'd like to purchase some Kona solids to start. Marmalade Fabrics carries so many of the colours, at very reasonable prices and with reasonable shipping to Canada, so I'm going to give them a try. My big question for all of you, since I know many of you use Kona solids in a lot of your projects....
What do you consider to be the "must-haves" or "staple" Kona solids?? What do you always like to have on hand?
And along with that, directed mainly at my Canadian blog friends but really any input is appreciated....
Where, online, do you shop for reasonably priced and reasonably shipped modern fabrics??
No W.I.P. Wednesday post for me this week (unless this counts!) as I truly have nothing that I am actively working on. My postage stamp quilt top is hanging by green painter's tape on my bedroom wall but I've not made any further plans for it than what I was thinking last week. I do hope to soon have some new projects in the works, and your input will help me greatly!
P.S. My little quick edit pencil at the bottom of each blog post has disappeared, and no matter how many "easy" tutorials I have read, nothing about it seems easy and I can't seem to get it fixed. Anyone??????
I'll answer your second question first - my BFF from high school has a quilt shop. Sew Sisters in Toronto. She regularly has free shipping events, stocks some Kona Solids and has been getting more and more modern fabrics in. Most of her fabrics are $10.99 regular priced, but her clearance area is pretty good too - sometimes you can find stuff like Amy Butler at $6.99.
As for Konas...it really depends on you! I find I am constantly using Snow and White. I also love Turquoise and Curry. Chartreuse is a fantastic limey green that looks great with everything.
I agree with Felicity on all those colours. I also use Kona PFD a lot - its usually a closer match to the white-ish tones in fabric than white or snow (it's in between them in terms of value). I have a current obsession with Kona Cerise as well. I also use Coal a lot, and medium grey.
I think the colors you chose should be ones that you really enjoy or that go with a certain collection in mind, either of other solids or of prints. Snow and Ash are good basics, but I also really like to use the more vivid colors too. For my Craftsy BOM I am using Cerise as my main solid along with Cinnamon. I would also really like to use Candy Green and Cactus together in a project. :) Have fun choosing!
Well, I love using solids, but I probably tend to go a little brighter than most people. For neutrals, I've found that I use a lot of ash, coal, and med. grey or when I want a "white" background I really like snow. But, since I'm in bees with other people, I need to keep real white on hand to use when they ask for it, as many do. As far as colors go, cerise is a favorite, chartreuse, azure, papaya...I could list a lot, but those are ones I really like. Good luck and have fun!
Can't help you on the Canada shops, but Kona... Well, I'm really no help there, either. I keep pure white around, but everything else, I choose based on the project. I like to use a color rather than a neutral when I can.
I tend to use ash, charcoal and white in kona for my solids, i'd keep a bunch of those just because with bees and things they tend to fit the criteria -- Lagoon is a super great bright blue.. i tend to buy when things are on sale to build my stash -- http://www.sewfabulousquiltshop.com/
I havent ordered from here yet, but they seem to have good prices and selection
Marmalade is awesome! I have only started shopping there, pretty much solely for her selection of Kona & the best price I have found for them. There is also a rewards program, which can't hurt!
SewFreshFabrics on etsy is another shop I frequent.
Hawthorne Threads is awesome for browsing. I buy there when I want to purchase 8yds (or whatever fits into that $13 envelope these days).
There are a few other shops I use on etsy if I can't find what I am looking for elsewhere. You have to watch their shipping prices though, sometimes they are high (a convo will usually fix that though)
How about you just give me your credit card & let me do the buying for you!? Oh, that's okay, I don't need your address, how bout we just ship it all here & you can pick it up next time you're in Ontario! ;)
I buy Kona pfd, (prepared for dyeing), by the bolt. I love it because it's off white, not bright white. My other must haves are ash and charcoal. When I buy a bolt I use Hancock's of Paducah, but I don't know about their shipping to Canada.
I also buy solids alot from Hacocks of Paducah, but like PP I'm not sure about their shipping to Canada. As for my staples, I always have Kona white, ash and coal on hand, and as for colors, I'm drawn to blues and greens, so Grass and Turqoise I use often, Kona Cerise is a pretty pinky purple, and Kona Pomegranite is a pretty reddy pink that I use alot. Happy shopping!
Hey - sorry I'm late to the party! Like many of the others, I keep white & snow on hand, plus several grays - ash, medium gray, coal, & charcoal. Other solids are usually purchased for a particular project. Good luck with online vendors - I just tried Moona & they were great!
I have actually never ordered from a Canadian shop. I order from Pink Chalk, Sew Mama Sew, and other etsy shops. I have never been charged duty even on a $200 order... I love that! Sometimes I order with others to save on the shipping. Just check the shipping price before you order... :-)
I'm not sure what Kona's would be considered standard. I just order for what I need for specific projects and that could be anything.
I have same problem of missing quick edit pencil please inform me your remedy or solution If any. Thanks.
You should try Mad About Patchwork. It's an online shop that I don't buy from because they're in Canada and I'm in the US :) I've always thought they have a great selection of modern fabrics!
Of course I will suggest the popular neutral Konas... Snow, Ash, and Coal. The colors? Curry, Hibiscus, Teal and Tangerine are my current favorites.
Congrats on not having a stash... once you go stash I think it's impossible to go back. And I always ending up spending money I don't need to on mine :)
Ooh, fun! I love ash, sage, chartreuse, school bus, mulberry, Bahama blue, grass...
Heather, check out Dragonflyfabrics.ca. Jennifer has a few stash builders of Kona at a very good price. She is in the Edmonton area, so shipping is very quick! I always have on hand snow, white, ash, med. grey and charcoal!
Hi Heather!
I'm not a huge solids user but I always try to have kona white on hand just because I love it! I bought a full bolt last time Hancocks had free shipping to Canada, but I'm out. Poop! I think I might try marmalade or mad about patchwork. I've got a kona colour chart - we should get together some time and I could bring it with me so you can pick some faves. Kona's swatches are ridiculous online.
Other than that I love Hawethorne Threads for their great selection, Quilthome for good sales and cheap shipping (max $20 to Canada no matter how much you buy) and Pink Castle fabrics for price. And always check etsy for specific stuff if it's a small amount.
Fishskin Fabrics is a pretty good one, too. She's in Prince George, I think, so shipping is really quick and the prices are ok for Canadian.
I gave you the Liebster award!
I always have charcoal and ash on hand. There are a couple of Etsy shops that put together fat quarter bundles that match certain fabric lines which make it handy and give you a coordinated bundle. It makes it easy and affordable to get a bunch of colours without committing to a ton of yardage in each. I hate to say it but I probably buy more from US online shops based on the cost of Canadian, though you really have to watch shipping charges cross the border. I'm lucky that my local has great staff but the price is prohibitive and they don't always carry lines that I want. My solution is if they have it, I'll buy it there to support local business, etc, and the rest I get online and try not to feel guilty about it.
Good luck with your shopping!
This shop has a huge selection of Kona and is in Canada http://www.madaboutpatchwork.com/
My must have colors are Snow, Red, Charcoal (my absolute favorite-I use it for almost every background along with Snow-better than black). And probably some black too. Some people like the medium grey, but Charcoal seems to have more depth, not as flat. Those would be my must haves.
Yikes, no stash?! Lol. I only recently started stashing, and luckily I travel quite a bit and always manage to make sure I hit up as many quilt shops when I'm out of town as I possibly can. I've only ordered online a few times, so I don't know anything helpful about that really. I think the only kona I have is coal, which I bought a whole bunch of. Good luck stashing solids!!
I agree with most of the suggestions for color. In my stash I usually return to Ash, Snow, PFD, Black. Lately, I've been drawn to buying the precuts; charm packs and jelly rolls mix so well with patterned precuts for quick quilts.
I live in Alaska so shipping here is much like Canada. I order fabric from the Fat Quarter Shop which will ship via USPS Priority Mail with no extra fees. YAY!
I think that I use neutrals the most - mainly B & W and shades of grey (especially ash or charcoal).
And I noticed my quick edit "pencil" had gone a few weeks ago - now you need to go into your dashboard and edit your post through there.
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