Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My birthday, and a winner!

Today is my birthday, and as promised I have drawn the winner of Amber's Family Passport Wallet pattern!!  Our winner is....

...Holly!!  Congratulations!  Holly has traveled to some amazing places, and tells me that she could use this pattern for their upcoming trip to the states.  I can't wait to see what you do with this pattern, Holly.  :)


Toni said...

Happy Birthday, Heather!

Kimberly said...

Happy Birthday Heather!
Welcome to 29... believe me, it's a great age! (I've been here a while!)
Hope you have a fantastic day!

Holly said...

I won! I'm so excited! Thanks for the giveaway, Heather! And a very happy birthday to you (feels like I should be giving you a gift rather than you giving me one)!

Gill said...

Happy Birthday!! and congratulations to Holly!

Susan said...

Happy birthday Heather! Have a great day, and year of being 29!!!

Rosa said...

Happy birthday and congrats to Holly!

Jenelle said...

Happy Birthday and congrats to Holly! :)

CJ said...

Happy Birthday! Mine was two days ago. :)

Izzy said...

Happy birthday Heather!

Alisa said...

Happy Birthday, Heather! Hope you had a great day.

Debbie said...

Hope you had a great birthday!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

oopps that will teach me for being late catching up on my reader - doh!! Happy Belated Birthday lovely!! Hope you had a great one :)

Suzanne said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Happy birthday lovely lady!