Tuesday, July 10, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I haven't been up to a whole lot lately, with summer upon us and now a vacation behind us but I do have a little bit to share.

The hexies that I prepared to work on while on vacation have now been completed - ended up being 120 - 1" hexagons, which is only enough to piece together into something about placemat size!  I don't know what my actual intentions are for this project, I really can't see myself doing a whole quilt, but for now it's going into the "ongoing projects" category.

My jumbo granny square blocks are coming along as well, all 3 of them have all setting triangles added since last time I posted.  Sashing still needs to be added between the blocks and then I need to decide on some wide border colours.  Incidentally, it was so windy when I was trying to take a clothesline photo this afternoon and I had to wait quite a while for things to calm down, in the mean time with all the blowing, the edges of the blocks actually frayed a bit.  Ooooops!

Lastly for today, I was one of the fortunate winners of Chelsea's giveaway and she will be long-arm quilting this quilt top for me: 

I still need to make arrangements with her about delivering the top/backing/batting to her, as well as how we decide to quilt it, but I am SO excited!  I've never had a quilt long-armed before.  I'm really looking forward to showing the results sometime in the not too distant future.


Sew Festive said...

I saw that you won! How exciting! Plus I'm pretty jealous that you get to meet Chelsea...she and I have had some hilarious emails recently and I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy a coffee break with her!

Debbie said...

oh that's exciting about winning some long-arming - very cook for you! 100 hexies for a placemat!? That just slightly depresses me! haha. Love your blocks on the line - weird about the wind fraying them a bit!

Susan said...

Lucky you, winning such a great 'giveaway'! I love that quilt so I look forward to seeing how ,pre beautiful it can be (f that is at all possible!) How about a pretty hexie purse? Much more do-able than a whole quilt! And you'll get to use it everyday!

Susan said...

Oooops! That should read 'more' beautiful...

felicity said...

Oh congratulations on your long-arm quilting win!!!

Collette said...

well done on your long arm win that will be stunning I bet! love your Granny blocks which I keep meaning to try but just never seem to get round to!!! one day!!!

Just Sew Sue said...

Love your granny blocks. I did as suggested in the original pattern and stay stitched 1/8" in from the outside of the block. well worth it with bias edges.

Kristy QP said...

Love the granny square blocks! They look great!

Congratulations on winning some long-arm quilting. That's really exciting!

Shocking Hocking said...

loving the grannies - gorgeous!

Kirsten said...

Congrats on the long-arm win - the granny square blocks are looking fab too!

Melissa said...

I love the granny squares! That's a block that's on my to-do list... Very inspiring :)

Katie said...

I should put my hexies in a nice jar, yours look so pretty!
COngratulations on winning Chelsea's contest, your quilt is going to rock!

Beth said...

Isn't that crazy - 120 hexies and only a placemat size?!? I thought the same when I tried hexies - I ended up making a mini. That is awesome about winning the quilting - I'm excited to see the finish!

Emma said...

Beautiful quilt top, the blue and brown combo is really delicate and lovely. Looking forward to seeing it finished :) The hexagons are really cute too!

Melissa said...

I love your granny squares. I think that is going to be my next quilt. I've been crocheting a granny quilt for over a year now. It'll be a race to see which I finish first. lol

Kate said...

Oh, what an exciting win! I can't wait to see what she does - I'm making that quilt next(ish). And 120 hexagons is only a placemat? Ugh, not on my list to try any time soon!

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

What an exciting win! Love your granny blocks too - fun colors!

LuLu said...

Seriously Heather, you win everything! :-) What a great prize. I can't wait to see it all done.

Izzy said...

I'm more than a little jealous about your win! How cool is that! I can't wait to see the results. And those granny squares are gorgeous!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Oh awesome! Congrats, can't wait to see what you both decide! Gorgeous blocks too!

Katie B said...

It's so awesome that you won! What a treat!

Jenelle said...

Yay! I'm really excited for you! Chelsea and you will have fun cooking up a good design. :) I am totally going to rip off your idea for the granny blocks btw. ;) My Indian summer charms would be perfect for this.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

The hexies look so pretty! Congrats on the win - can't wait to see it done! :)

Leslie said...

lucky you....winning that! i love your granny squares

Holly said...

I'm so happy you won Chelsea's contest! I'm sure you and Chelsea will make a gorgeous finished quilt!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

That long arming is a fab prize! Your top is lovely - I can't wait to see it quilted :)