I haven't been up to a whole lot lately, with summer upon us and now a vacation behind us but I do have a little bit to share.
The hexies that I prepared to work on while on vacation have now been completed - ended up being 120 - 1" hexagons, which is only enough to piece together into something about placemat size! I don't know what my actual intentions are for this project, I really can't see myself doing a whole quilt, but for now it's going into the "ongoing projects" category.
My jumbo granny square blocks are coming along as well, all 3 of them have all setting triangles added since last time I posted. Sashing still needs to be added between the blocks and then I need to decide on some wide border colours. Incidentally, it was so windy when I was trying to take a clothesline photo this afternoon and I had to wait quite a while for things to calm down, in the mean time with all the blowing, the edges of the blocks actually frayed a bit. Ooooops!
Lastly for today, I was one of the fortunate winners of Chelsea's giveaway and she will be long-arm quilting this quilt top for me:
I still need to make arrangements with her about delivering the top/backing/batting to her, as well as how we decide to quilt it, but I am SO excited! I've never had a quilt long-armed before. I'm really looking forward to showing the results sometime in the not too distant future.
I saw that you won! How exciting! Plus I'm pretty jealous that you get to meet Chelsea...she and I have had some hilarious emails recently and I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy a coffee break with her!
oh that's exciting about winning some long-arming - very cook for you! 100 hexies for a placemat!? That just slightly depresses me! haha. Love your blocks on the line - weird about the wind fraying them a bit!
Lucky you, winning such a great 'giveaway'! I love that quilt so I look forward to seeing how ,pre beautiful it can be (f that is at all possible!) How about a pretty hexie purse? Much more do-able than a whole quilt! And you'll get to use it everyday!
Oooops! That should read 'more' beautiful...
Oh congratulations on your long-arm quilting win!!!
well done on your long arm win that will be stunning I bet! love your Granny blocks which I keep meaning to try but just never seem to get round to!!! one day!!!
Love your granny blocks. I did as suggested in the original pattern and stay stitched 1/8" in from the outside of the block. well worth it with bias edges.
Love the granny square blocks! They look great!
Congratulations on winning some long-arm quilting. That's really exciting!
loving the grannies - gorgeous!
Congrats on the long-arm win - the granny square blocks are looking fab too!
I love the granny squares! That's a block that's on my to-do list... Very inspiring :)
I should put my hexies in a nice jar, yours look so pretty!
COngratulations on winning Chelsea's contest, your quilt is going to rock!
Isn't that crazy - 120 hexies and only a placemat size?!? I thought the same when I tried hexies - I ended up making a mini. That is awesome about winning the quilting - I'm excited to see the finish!
Beautiful quilt top, the blue and brown combo is really delicate and lovely. Looking forward to seeing it finished :) The hexagons are really cute too!
I love your granny squares. I think that is going to be my next quilt. I've been crocheting a granny quilt for over a year now. It'll be a race to see which I finish first. lol
Oh, what an exciting win! I can't wait to see what she does - I'm making that quilt next(ish). And 120 hexagons is only a placemat? Ugh, not on my list to try any time soon!
What an exciting win! Love your granny blocks too - fun colors!
Seriously Heather, you win everything! :-) What a great prize. I can't wait to see it all done.
I'm more than a little jealous about your win! How cool is that! I can't wait to see the results. And those granny squares are gorgeous!
Oh awesome! Congrats, can't wait to see what you both decide! Gorgeous blocks too!
It's so awesome that you won! What a treat!
Yay! I'm really excited for you! Chelsea and you will have fun cooking up a good design. :) I am totally going to rip off your idea for the granny blocks btw. ;) My Indian summer charms would be perfect for this.
The hexies look so pretty! Congrats on the win - can't wait to see it done! :)
lucky you....winning that! i love your granny squares
I'm so happy you won Chelsea's contest! I'm sure you and Chelsea will make a gorgeous finished quilt!
That long arming is a fab prize! Your top is lovely - I can't wait to see it quilted :)
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