Tuesday, October 30, 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday

Just a quickie update this week, mostly to report that the Fussy Fairytales top is finished.

I completed the borders today, which was quite the process (I think the "fussy" in the title isn't just referring to the fussy cut blocks!) but well worth the effort.  The top is now temporarily residing draped over my kitchen curtain rod, in order to avoid having to re-press everything again if I were to fold it for now.  I'm sure you understand!   When I was draping it over, I noticed that some of the seams around the border edges are coming loose, I'm sure from handling it quite a bit in the last few steps, so I'll have to repair that before moving on.  For now though, since we don't have backing or batting fabric just yet, this project will temporarily be put on hold.

Also this week I made a bee block for Bianca, my first regular size granny square block and my first time using Marmalade fabric.  Let me tell you, it's lovely!

The week ahead ... since Fussy Fairytales is in a holding pattern at the moment, I'll likely get back to the 'Joy' Christmas top, or the 'Sleep' proverbial quilt (both were pictured last week), which are both small-ish and closer to being finished than any of the other projects I have in process.  And I happen to have backing fabric for both of them and enough batting to go around.  No excuses, right??

Blogger's Quilt Festival continues, Wednesday Oct 31 being the last day to enter and then I presume there will be nominations and voting.  Lots of great prizes are up for grabs, so if you haven't entered yet you can still squeak in before the deadline!  Or just browse through the entries, there are SO many great quilts!  Mine is #143, if you care to check it out. 

Take care all.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Debbie said...

oh I love your new fairytales quilt! What awesome fabric for that pattern! I guess I wasn't paying attention - had no idea what the border was going to be like - but I like it alot!!

Carla said...

Your quilt looks wonderful heather ; )

Alisa said...

Very nice, Heather!

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

This looks really great - I love the border especially, but I can see how it must have been a lot or work!

Cathy said...

It looks just great! The border is perfect!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Your Fussy Fairytales is fabulous. And I never get tired of granny squares!

Susan said...

Your quilt looks so pretty hanging in the window! Don't let it fade though!

felicity said...

LOVE that border - must note it for a future project!

Jennifer said...

How gorgeous! That border may have been time consuming, but its totally worth it!! It's amazing!

Chez Roo said...

Your fairy tales quilt is stunning! The curtain rod is an ingenious solution to avoiding creases!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Oh Heather. It is just beautiful! I'm still thinking on the quilting ideas - although I did all over echo shells on mine and it looks pretty good :o)

Teje Karjalainen said...

Heather, that's so beautiful! I love the pattern, colours, and the border is super! Your photo with the yellow wall is wonderful! x Teje

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Whoa, I love the Fussy Fairytales quilt so far!! And draping it over your curtain rod is a fantastic idea :)

Shontelle said...

Lovely makes! Your granny square is really sweet...one day when I emerge from under the pile of WIPs I already have underway, I'd love to make a Granny Square quilt.

Anonymous said...

Your quilt looks great!

Taryn V. said...

Your Fussy Fairytales quilt is so pretty! Beautiful granny square too. I love that block pattern!

LuLu said...

That quilt is fabulous Heather! And I'm sure it's lovely eye candy hanging from the window. I love your Granny Square too. Marmalade is so much fun! I have a stack that I'm dying to cut into.

Krista Schneider said...

it's stunning, so lovely! great idea on hanging over the curtain rod, I actually hung some towel rods in my sewing room for freshly pressed yardage, but a curtain rod would work awesome for a quilt top! brilliant. best of luck with the quilt fest, i'll have to pop over there and look around :D

Patti said...

Oh yeah! This is one gorgeous quilt, Heather! The border is completely fabulous. Great work!

Kristan said...

Hurray for getting that top done! Seems like you got that done really fast.

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

The fairytale quilt looks fantastic. Even though the border was a pain, it was worth it. Makes the quilt so pretty!

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Fussy Fairytales is AMAZING! I've never seen a border like that... just WOW.

Erica said...

That fussy fairy takes quilt is just perfect!

audrey said...

I love this quilt pattern, and your fabric choices are lovely!

Tanyia said...

your "fussy" quilt is beautiful! I am stopping by from the WIP hop!http://domesticdeficitdisorder.blogspot.com/2012/10/wednesday-wips.html

Suzanne said...

Very, very nice! Is it your own design?

Cille said...

Beautiful quilt... The border looks great :)

Cille said...

Beautiful quilt... The border looks great :)

Kristie said...

So pretty, Heather! Agree about the borders....they are a pain to make, but totally make the quilt!

Maggie said...

Love Fussy Fairytales--lovely!

bohemiannie! art said...

oh that is SO pretty!

Maggie said...

You do beautiful work.

Nancy said...

Oh, your quilt top is lovely. I can see why the border would take so long, but it looks so great!

Abby said...

love your projects. The granny square in marmalade is so cute. I might have to do a whole quilt in that!

Katie B said...

Fussy Fairytales is looking fantastic! Makes a great curtain too. :)

Katie said...

I really LOVE your Fussy Fairytales quilt. I'm thinking I should scoop up some Nursery Versery and get going on my own. It would be perfect in my daughter's room!

Marian-Lady Face said...

This is so cute Heather! I love it. And the granny squares are so fun, she picked great fabric!!

Beth said...

The fussy fairytales quilt looks fantastic! I love how all the fabrics you chose work so well together!

Cindy said...

Your quilt is beautiful!