** This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered. **
Hey everyone! My little blog has reached a milestone today ~ over 100,000 page views! Kind of blows my mind actually. So since it's a milestone day for me, and especially since I missed Giveaway Day @ Sew Mama Sew this time, I thought I'd offer up a little prize. You might remember me showing these a few months ago....
I bought these two mini charm packs (2.5" squares) when we were on spring break, and since then they've been sitting here just looking cute. A perfect gift to give to someone, I think! Leave a comment on this post and I will draw a winner in about a week's time. Good luck, and thanks to all of you who have apparently visited me frequently! I appreciate all of you. :)
would love to win. thanks
Wow, that's a lot of traffic! Congrats on your lovely blog!
Wow that s great number and so quick. Love your blog!
Congrats on all the visitors! Cute fabric too!
Congrats on all those views!! I have a project in mind for some mini charms... :D
Like you, I missed sewmamasew giveaway this year. Very nice of you to catch up, I gave.not done so... maybe I should! I have not worked with mini charms... look super cute though.
Wow, that's quite a bit of traffic! congratulations!
Congrats on 100,000! Thanks for the giveaway, they are quite cute little charms!
well done! enjoy your blog very much and thanks for the giveaway!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win. I enjoy reading your blog, keep up the good work!
Love your blog! Keep it up!
Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway :)
Congrats on 100,000! I'd love a chance to win!
Congratulations on LOTS of Looks! Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Congrats! I enjoy reading your blog.
Holy cow - that is a lot of page views!! Well done :) Lovely giveaway too - yum!
Ooooo, so cute! I would love to play with those!
Big congratulations! Thats a mind blowing number of views! Lovely giveaway, thanks!
Boppiesgirl at gmail dot com
Congratulations on so many blog views! That's awesome! And thank you for the giveaway! Two of my favorite fabric lines!
Congrats on the page views. And the fussy fairy tales turned out beautifully.
Congrats on 100,000 blog view, that's fantastic! I appreciate you too, your blog is one of my favorites.
Wow! Congrats! Just found you through blog hopping.
Would love to win!
Congrats! That's a wonderful milestone!
That's fantastic Heather! Congrats :o)
I'd love to win these for my group, World of Charity Stitching.
Fabulous milestone Heather! I always like visiting your blog and seeing your lovely projects.
Those are so cute and fun. I just love 2 1/2 inch squares I think they make the best quilts.
Congratulations Heather!!!
Congratulations on the milestone. I am glad you share lovely projects with all of us.
I love visiting your blog and congrats on the 100,000. hugs
Very fun! Congrats on the milestone!!
Congrats on the milestone and thanks for the giveaway!
Wow, congrats on all those page views! I'm not surprised at all, rockstar!
Woohoohoo - look at you, Ms. Pop-u-lar!
Congrats on the milestone - and all the wonderful reasons that keep us all coming back for more. :-)
Wow! That's a wonderful milestone to reach. Good luck for 100,000 more!
Wow... Congrats on ur milestone. I've heard of the 2.5 charms but haven't seen them. What a gun sampler of fabrics. Thanks for a great giveaway.
Congratulations Heather. I enjoy reading your blog :-)
Congratulations, Heather and thank you for a lovely give away! Those fabric are so beautiful! x Teje
Congratulations! That is a sweet giveaway!
Congratulations!! and thank you for a lovely giveaway!
Amazing! And a great giveaway to celebrate!
Congrats on your blog milestone! And thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations! Love these little charmers . . . thanks for the chance to win. :)
That's a cute little prize! Congrats on the eye traffic! ;)
Congrats on all those page views . It does sort of blow one's mind hey? Thanks for the chance to add to my stash.
Congrats,that`s fabulous an dmore to come!!
Congrats on the milestone! That's awesome!!
Congrats! Those little charm packs are so cute!
Mini-charms are thebest - thanks for the chance to win!
The mini-charms are so cute! I only have one, but they would all go so well together!
CONGRATS on that astonishing # of page views!
Congratulations! Thank you for the cute giveaway!
These mini charms are so cute. I love both of these lines. Thanks!
Wow that is really cool to have so many people want to hear what you have to say and see what you make!! Love those mini marmalade charms.
Congratulations on that milestone - and well deserved! I have enjoyed your blog for awhile now.
Congrats Heather!
Congrats! Just discovered your blog. Will be following.
Congratulations!!! You do Awesome job! Love your blog!
Cool give-Away too!!! These are so cute...haven't used Mini Charms yet either.
Congrats on the visitors. Obviously your blog is great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow, that's a lot of visitors! How long have you been blogging? I would love to win.
Congrats on your hits Heather - and for the gorgeous giveaway!!
congratulatioms.. that is a big achievement!
Cute giveaway! Congrats on all of the pageviews!!
Those tiny charm packs are so cute and tiny!!
I'm so glad you're seeing the rewards of your blogging, it's great to be a reader x
Impressive milestone. Congratulations!
Congrats on the blog and keep up the good work! I'd love to win those mini charms!
Congratulations! THat is a milestone.
Many congratulations! And those charms are so pretty.
Congrats! I've always wanted to play with some mini charms.
Congrats on the blog milestone! So exciting!
congrats!!!! and thanks for the chance
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